I Hate Progressives Part 8

Let’s try another platform statement that I’m not really going to agree with. Some of these, I figure would be passable if the left actually meant what they said, but they don’t. Just like with religion, they’re lying to their converts for the votes and aren’t really serious about any of it. They don’t live in actual reality. So let’s take a look at part 8 and see where it fails.

I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.

Ending our forever wars, cutting the bloated Pentagon budget, and prioritizing diplomacy.

I’m good with at least some of that too, although the people that they tend to ride around on their shoulders, like Obama, he was one of the worst at that, even though he got a Nobel Peace Prize for it.

That’s another problem that I have with the far left, they are ludicrous hypocrites.

It’s not like Biden has kept out of wars, has he? He’s still out there launching drone strikes in Palestine and Syria. He’s engaged in bombing in Yemen. He’s doing everything that the Progressive Promise is railing against. Yet he’s their guy, right? He’s a puppet, but he’s still the one running for office again, right?

So don’t tell me that you’re anti-war when you’re backing someone using the military across the world. Come back when you’ve recalled all overseas troops. I’d love to see them try that.

This is really where we have problems because they will say one thing and do something else. I think they know that it’s unrealistic to try to end all of the wars or limit military spending in the modern world. I don’t think we’re going to see any world where that’s possible. Yes, diplomacy is preferable, but it’s not going to happen in a world where people are shooting at each other over stupid things. So long as mankind is dumb, and that’s not going to end any time soon, then we’re still going to get into shooting wars. Deal with it.

That’s another thing that the left, and to be fair, the right have problems with: dealing with reality as it is. Both sides have an idealized version of what they want the world to be in their heads and they lack the capacity to look at the real world and understand that’s not how it is. That is, perhaps one of the biggest problems with the far left. They care no more about reality than the idiots on the far right do.

That has got to change. I doubt that it ever will, but it just has to.

2 thoughts on “I Hate Progressives Part 8”

  1. re: That is, perhaps one of the biggest problems with the far left. They care no more about reality than the idiots on the far right do.

    That makes sense (i.e. it is a human problem) and so transcends left and right designations. It is so sad that both can’t realize and work on having a personal relationship with reality. If parents and teachers would only teach children How to Think✔ —NOT— What to Think.✘ For example: This is primary source evidence; this is secondary source evidence; this is hearsay; this is gossip and this is rumor. This is special pleading. This is a circular argument. This is an argument from authority. This is an argument from ignorance. This is a false equivalence. This argument assumes facts NOT in evidence. If you want Truth (—real, demonstrable, independently verifiable facts), it is important not to bypass the head and go straight to the heart. No Feels over Reals (—you must have demonstrable, independently verifiable evidence).✔ As you always teach, you will never find Truth (Real Facts) by letting your emotions hijack your intellect.

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