More Stupidity, the Pet Edition

I just decided to throw this one out there because… why not? Over on Facebook, I’m in a bunch of local pet groups, mostly because I find my fair share of stray dogs and getting them reunited with their families is pretty high on my list of things to do. I’ve done it twice in the past two weeks already.

Yet that’s another place to find a lot of really, really stupid people. Let’s dive right in.

Now I understand, at least some of these people have their hearts in the right place, but they’re just absurdly dumb. It drives me crazy. The biggest culprit most recently is “but animal shelters are evil!”

I have no idea how it is where you live, but around here, people dump animals, backyard breed, etc. all the time. If  you want to see evil, look there. The shelters are always overloaded, but nowhere more than in the late spring and early summer. In fact, of the big local shelters, two are currently shut down. They are not taking anything in because they just have no room. It’s a mess.

However, there is a constant low-droning “duhhhhhh” going on, where a lot of people scream “don’t take the animals that you found to a shelter or they’ll get murdered!” like the workers are just waiting at the door to randomly kill any animal so unlucky as to come through the doors.

These people are morons. Sorry, there’s only so much space and there’s only so much room and there’s only so much money to go around. When all of the cages are full and nobody wants to adopt these animals, then what else can you do? They are humanely put down to make room for the next batch that are always coming. That’s the way this works. Nobody wants it to happen, but there aren’t a lot of other options.

But try to explain that to these idiots and they just scream. They are not interested in the real world. I guess they figure that behind a secret door, somewhere in the shelter is a magical happy land with infinite space and resources and those evil people working at the desk are keeping it secret from everyone. They are not interested in the real world.

I’ve even told them, if they care so much, how many of these dogs and cats have they adopted? Of course, the answer is always zero. They’re armchair warriors. They don’t actually do anything, they just complain about it. Well screw you people! Get off your fat asses and do something about it!

If you really want to get mad, then get mad at the actual culprits: the people who are not having their animals fixed, the people who are dumping their unwanted pets on the streets, etc. Those people are everywhere. Yet those aren’t the ones getting complained about, are they? It’s not some faceless entity behind a door somewhere. They might have to get their hands dirty and actually address the real problems.

Can’t have that, can we?

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