More Amazing Hypocrisy

So, as you may or may not be aware, Activation stepped in it when they decided to delete the skin of Nickmercs off of their store because he made a tweet that said “leave the children alone”.

All of a sudden, there’s open warfare against Activision, with people deleting Call of Duty and calling for boycotts, etc. Yet I had to go wading in to point out one not-at-all-surprising fact.

These people are hypocrites.

First, I have to say that I agree with the sentiment. The far-left are absolutely indoctrinating children into their cult. There’s no question about it whatsoever. This is another situation, like the whole Bud Light thing, where I couldn’t take part in any “boycott” if I wanted to, because I don’t drink and I don’t play Call of Duty. I guess I’ve  been inadvertently boycotting the stupid game pretty much forever already. I just don’t care.

I absolutely do agree that the left should leave kids out of this. They need to stop using the schools as an indoctrination camp for little future leftists. However, you know who else ought to do that?

The churches. And I said so.

That didn’t go well, but I didn’t expect it to. It was just a way to demonstrate the hypocrisy. I brought it up in the comment section of a video and got dog piled and eventually banned from commenting on that channel, not that I care. Why? Because I pointed out the obvious. Both sides are essentially identical.

If you get mad at the left for indoctrinating kids in schools, then get mad at the right for indoctrinating kids in churches. It’s not that hard.

Of course, they don’t like it when their hypocrisy is pointed out. Neither side does. It’s always “good for me but not for thee” and that’s nonsense. I’ve spent a long time pointing out what they’re doing and they’re not interested in changing their game. None of them are because they’re all hypocrites. Almost every single time that you find one of them screaming “you can’t do that!” you can show that they’re doing it too. They just can’t acknowledge it because it gets in the way of their childish fee-fees.

I am ever so sick and tired of fee-fees.

It is so easy to make these people upset.  I can just point out that everything they’re saying is just an emotional reaction and all they can do is stand there and fume. Oh, and down vote. Can’t forget about that. Yet I never care about that because, as I say, it’s an imaginary button on a social media website. Who gives a damn? I have gotten endless death threats from both sides because they don’t know how to handle themselves rationally. These people are children who have never figured out how to grow up.

How pathetically sad is that?

4 thoughts on “More Amazing Hypocrisy”

      1. —Absolutely💯%✔
        “Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.”❌
        ― Audre Lorde

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