Transformers and Social Engineering

This isn’t a new story, in fact, it’s just an ongoing tale of how screwed up our society is these days, but they’ve just turned one of the robot characters in the new Transformers show non-binary.

Follow me below the fold and I’ll explain how absolutely idiotic that is.

The problem, as I’ve explained before, in this instance, is that these are robots. They don’t have genders. They don’t reproduce. They are created in factories. Therefore, there is no male and there is no female, they are self-aware robots. They can’t “feel” non-binary. It’s just stupid. They are all “it” because that’s all they can be. This isn’t a legitimate story line, it’s social engineering.

Of course, that’s what they’ve been doing forever. As I said, this isn’t exactly new. IDW, back in the day, put gender-swapping robots in their Transformer comic books and sales tanked. Hasbro got mad and yanked the license. Now, they’re doing it on their own. Why?

Childhood indoctrination.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely nothing against legitimate transgender people. You know, people with demonstrable gender dysphoria. These things can be proven with brain scans. Yet far too many people these days, they figure that they can show up, say “I feel like a boy today!” and get their gender reassigned.

That’s just stupid.

Yes, I care about the actual state of reality, not how someone feels. Some furries “feel” like they’re anthropomorphic animals. That doesn’t make it so. Yet we do see a number of them who have undergone extensive body modifications because of how they “feel”.

Fuck you people.

Certainly, it is their body and they can do whatever they want to with it, so long as they are responsible for the changes. That’s the problem, these people are not responsible. They want the rest of us to foot the bill. They want insurance companies to pay for their reassignment surgery, without ever showing that said surgery is necessary or even warranted. If you’ve got the funds to do it for yourself and you’re still going to be a productive member of society, knock yourself out. Otherwise, screw off.

Because here’s the thing that the far-left has been pulling. It’s the exact same thing that the far-right has been doing forever. They are trying to force children into their mold so that they have a dedicated voting bloc. They want to create fanatics who are emotionally attached to their side so that when it comes time to vote, they mark party line all the way down.

Don’t tell me you haven’t understood this for yourself. It’s not about having the most rationally defensible position that you can, based on the best evidence you have available. It’s about lying to people for power.

Big surprise there.

Because here’s the thing, and a lot of people are going to have problems with it, but the left has been pushing a narrative for years, especially in schools. “Be different!” Add that to the fact that trans people, non-binary people,  gay people, they all get treated like they’re special in leftist social circles, encouraging young people who are already  emotionally malleable and desperate for social acceptance to say “I’m <fill in the blank>!” It’s why, since this whole woke crap started happening, the number of people claiming to be trans or gay or whatever has exploded.

Because that’s where we have problems. More than 20% of Gen-Z now identifies as LGBT-LMNOP. Why? Because it gains them social acceptance. When you’ve grown up, not only being told that there’s nothing wrong with it, and that’s correct, but that you’re going to get ridden around on the shoulders of the leftist mob for being “stunning and brave” just for claiming to have some bizarre view in gender, of course a lot of people are going to do it.

The growth in people claiming to be trans or whatever has gone up more than 5% in just the last 3 years alone! Of course, that’s only among the young because they’re the only one so strongly influenced by social pressure. In the UK, a recent poll found that a majority of school-age kids, 54%, know someone at school that wants to change their gender. Of course, the far left is trying desperately to let as many people do this with no medical or psychological oversight as possible, because it keeps them within the fold.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the overwhelmingly-liberal teachers unions insist that parents not be informed of the kind of sex education that their children are receiving in public schools before their children are exposed to it. This isn’t education, it’s indoctrination. Now, kids are being taught that men can get pregnant, just because they want to. That is not how biological reality works!

Yet  you still get the World Health Organization encouraging toddlers, yes TODDLERS, to explore their gender identity at ages where they have no clue what that even means. The world has gone insane! Now, if you simply say that you feel male, you’re male, just like if you say you feel like a chimpanzee, you’re a chimpanzee.

That is not reality. That is insanity.

It gets worse though. The United Nations has new legal recommendations to normalize sex between adults and minors. Yes, that’s what I said. They want pedophilia to be decriminalized. I guess the Catholic Church will be thrilled to hear that.

What in the hell is going on here? The world has gone mad. Someone please stop it, I want to get off!

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