Biden is Officially the Worst!

So this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but Joe Biden sucks. Have you looked around lately? Banks are failing, the stock market is a mess and confidence is at an all time low. Even the Democrats want someone else to run in 2024, justĀ  two weeks into Biden’s official run.

I wish I couldn’t say that I told you so, but I did.

The Washington Post recently put up an article reading “Democrats Reluctant about Biden 2024, but They See No Other choice”. In it, they explain how an ever-increasing number of registered Democrats just want Biden to go away. Too bad they voted for him in the first place. Too bad they cared more about fee-fees than the health of the nation.

He’s never really been liked. Pew Research put up a pretty damning evaluation of Biden and his administration and it doesn’t look good. He’s currently at an all-time low approval rating and it doesn’t look like it’s going to go up any time soon.

I saw that coming before he even got into office. It wasn’t that hard to predict. Once I started to see indications that Biden had a chance against Trump, I started to adjust my investment strategies, away from retail and similar stocks into production and raw materials. We maintained some things. We still have a significant pile of Disney, just so we can vote on stuff, but things like Walmart, they mostly went away in favor of oil and mining and things of that nature. I went from “people who sell stuff” to “people who make stuff” and “people who supply the stuff that other stuff is made of.” It was a good choice

It’s not just the Republicans that hate Biden’s guts, it’s everyone. In fact, pretty much nobody actually thinks he can be an effective leader in anything, not the economy, not on immigration, not on foreign policy, not on making decent decisions or responding to a national crisis. They just don’t like him.

I can’t say that I blame them. I knew that he was a disaster waiting to happen. This is what happens when you rely on feelings over facts. Under Biden, the economy ground to a halt. Yes, some of that has to do with COVID, he obviously has no fault in that, although his response was utterly abysmal. The response of pretty much every Democrat resulted in more death, more harm and more economic damage than those of Republican leaders. It was an absurd over-reaction that cost people lives and livelihoods.

People are recognizing that too. Not only is his approval rating in the toilet but people have decided that his policies have made things worse over time. Even his own party thinks he’s doing a bad job.

In fact, when it comes to the economy, pretty much everyone is turning on him. CNN just put out an article saying that studies show people are blaming Biden and his administration for making the economy worse. This is CNN we’re talking about, one of the most shill of the shill mainstream media. If they’re not giving Creepy Joe a blowjob, something is seriously wrong!

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In fact, in a recent ABC poll, Biden is trailing to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis! If the election was held today, I don’t think there’s any hope in hell that he’d win, no matter who he was up against.

Unless something happens quick, the Democrats are doomed. It couldn’t happen to a bigger group of schmucks.


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