I’ve noticed something today and it’s really nothing new, but I saw multiple examples of it in a very short span of time. The left really can’t shut the hell up about Trump can they? Even when what they’re talking about has nothing at all to do with politics, they have to invoke Trump constantly because these people have serious derangement syndrome.
Looks like I made the right choice. A little while ago, I wrote a post about how I was dumping a bunch of YouTube channels that couldn’t keep politics out of their atheistĀ content. It was one of the best decisions I ever could have made.
I’ve started to get rid of YouTube channels that can’t stick to a single topic. There are a number of atheist channels that have started producing a ton of political content.
I don’t want to watch it, therefore I am unsubscribing. I know why they’re doing it but I have zero interest in consuming it, therefore, they’re going into the dumpster.
It’s not hard to see if you just bother to look, but on YouTube especially, there are people on both sides of the social divide that assert that the other side sucks, just because the other side doesn’t agree with their own unsupported assertions. They’re right, everyone else is wrong, so there!
Sorry, but you all suck. You need to come to intellectual conclusions and most of these people just don’t care. Continue reading Both Sides Suck!→
This is more of a rant, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, feel free to click away now. I won’t be mad.
However, I’ve been seeing a ton of this lately and I am ever so sick of it. I mean YouTube channels who exist only to explain why they hate absolutely everything that they do, yet they keep on doing it. It’s rage-bait for the sake of rage-bait.
I was going to write a post on this anyhow, but it came up on a recent video in the comments and I wanted to explain my position in a way that’s really not amenable to YouTube commentary debates.
There was a recent news story that “hate crimes” are on the rise and, of course, the left-leaning media is blaming it all on Trump. What else is new?
I honestly don’t get the religious. I’ve been doing a couple of videos of late that are just… painful to get through because the theist is just so obnoxiously dumb and they’re seemingly proud of it.
That reminded me of one of our own resident religious wing nuts, Jeremy Crofutt, who has posted a bunch of really asinine things of late and doesn’t seem to understand what the hell he’s doing wrong.
This is a short one, but I came across a video on YouTube and find the answer provided to be ridiculously wrong. It justĀ goes to show how poorly most people, even professional mathematicians, are at critical thinking.
This comes right from my YouTube channel and I am actually shocked at the low-level of stupid comments that I get from people over there consistently. Some of it I can understand, given the beliefs that these people hold, but it ought to shock people who hold those beliefs just how poorly their brethren actually perform.
I wanted to take a second to point out some of the more recent examples and why, they’re just not getting the job done. Continue reading Stupid Comments→
YouTube is a shit show, we all know that, but it’s a shit show with an agenda. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of their mind. When YouTube recommends videos to you, it’s one part marketing and one part political pandering and personally, I’m kind of sick of it.
So let’s look at one example. Unfortunately, there are others.