Here we go again with another stupid idea from the house of stupid ideas, the political left. This isn’t a surprise and hasn’t been for a long time, except to the people who can’t think, they can only feel. Honestly, the left are every bit as bad as the far right and for the same reasons. They just want to believe!
Screw these people.
Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 13 →
This is going to be a quick one because there isn’t a lot to say. I watched a couple of videos today on being critical of feminism and the far left, but in so doing, every single one of them pushed a far-right, hyper-Christian position.
Honestly, can’t people just be critical of bad ideas without expressing other bad ideas? Is that so hard? Continue reading I Just Can’t →
I don’t typically do Christmas posts. I have in the past, I’ve also done Christmas-themed videos, but how much can you really say about a holiday that never changes? Therefore, at least online, I pretty much ignore all holidays because I’ve said what I have to say.
However, Viced Rhino did a video on Christmas and there’s a lot of problems in it that I wanted to address. I think this is another case of only looking at things from your own side.
So here we go. Continue reading Everything Viced Rhino Gets Wrong →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides