This is not an actual picture. Ours is larger, but just as empty.
This is completely off-topic from everything else I talk about around here, so fair warning.
So, as a lot of people know, about 8 years ago, we bought a new house. Things have been great, love it here, you know the drill. However, the one thing that has been bothering us is our back yard. It’s just an empty canvas and we have no idea what to do with it. None whatsoever. We keep talking about getting a landscape designer, but we have no clue what to tell them. They can make it pretty, but they can’t make it useful.
Welcome back to the next part of “I Hate Progressives!” The longer this series goes on, the more obvious it becomes to me that the far left has a ton of problems and is really, identical to the far-right. Both sides want control. Both sides want loyalty. Neither has the best interests of the actual people in mind.
Here we go again. This is why I really hate progressive politics and find most progressives out in the real world to be obnoxious. Again, I shouldn’t have to keep saying this, but I don’t hate the people, per se, although as I said, a lot of them are just assholes, but I think that’s something that their politics has done to their heads. They’ve earned it through their own actions and lack of critical thought. So here comes part 4. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 4→
So over the last weekend, my wife and I were out of town and while we were coming home, we drove past the hospital where I could have died. On the other side of the freeway was a local spaghetti restaurant where my wife and my parents went after they came to see me every day and I really like the place. There are a couple of locations around here, none exactly close to where we now live, but not exactly a huge drive, so I want to go again sometime.
Anyhow, people ask about it from time to time so I figured I’d fill in some more details. Why not, right? Continue reading How I Nearly Died→
Just as a note, anything listed in red is his words and anything in black is mine. Also, I am only going to include the parts that I am responding to to keep this a little more clear. I am also not going to be using pictures in the actual text of the debate, just to keep it clean. I am going for clarity here, and if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it clearer, by all means, put that in the comments.
This is completely off-topic, just because it came up yesterday, so enjoy the momentary lack of pointing out all things stupid, political and social.
Although this is kind of stupid if you think about it.
So, my mother died a couple of months ago. Yesterday, I finally got the paperwork for her life insurance in the mail. They’re obviously not in any hurry to pay out, not that I care. Except they kind of forgot one important detail…
This is going to be a short one, but I was just thinking about it. Yesterday, I went to get my hair cut. Big deal, right? Anyhow, later on today, I’ve got a doctor appointment, it’s a complete waste of my time, but theĀ doctor wants to get paid so into the office I go.
Therefore, I’m getting a haircut, just because I need it anyhow and I can’t wait for the weekend. So what happens? Go below the fold to see the utter pointlessness of this post. Continue reading First World Problem… But…→
This morning, as we were getting ready to leave, this was running around in our front yard. It’s a pug mix, terribly dehydrated and starving. He was putting on the fake limping act to get attention and the second my wife opened the door, he ran right inside. It’s in the 30s outside right now and overnight it was down in the 20s.
Next, we move on to part two of this article on moral realism, provided on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website. This one is on metaphysics and I hope it isn’t as defensive as the last one. Will they provide any actual evidence for their position? I don’t know.
Guess what? Everything is gone. Gone, I tell you. Forever. It’s not coming back either. Everything that has ever appeared on this blog has been deleted and we’re back to square one.
No, it’s not a trick. No, we haven’t been taken over by a globalist syndicate. I deleted it all and I’m glad.