Category Archives: Technology

Here We Go Again!

I know I’veĀ  done this a million times, but it keeps coming up so I’ll keep pointing it out. The political left is doing EXACTLY what the religious are doing, yet they are completely blind to their own failures.

This time, we get a video from Atheist Experience, which I’ll link to below the fold. The caller claims that atheists are cherry picking, while doing nothingĀ  but cherry picking themselves, then the hosts start cherry picking too. It’s all absurd! Continue reading Here We Go Again!

That’s Not How You Do Business!

One of the reviews said “this must be where all the terrible used car salesmen go to train.”

So last night, we went and bought my wife a new car. We’d been talking about it for a while. She loves her current car, but it’s getting older and we’ve had to sink some money into repairs lately and she just wanted something new.

Therefore, I started to do some research, I know her tastes and I know what kind of things she wants. High on her list of essentials is seat warmers, since it gets really cold here in the winter. So I made my list, she looked it over, picked out the ones that really interested her and we went out last night to look at cars.

Boy, was that a mistake! Continue reading That’s Not How You Do Business!

They Wonder Why They’re Failing?

So last week was the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, which I guess is as good a place as any for the liberal assholes to gather and show the world what they’re doing wrong.

Of course, they can’t admit that they’re wrong, that they are the cause of the marketplace drying up, because they, like the religious, don’t have a grasp on reality.

Honestly, you can’t make this shit up. Continue reading They Wonder Why They’re Failing?

Life Shouldn’t Be This Hard!

When did everyone become so incredibly stupid? I was nice. I was down at my brother-in-law’s house a couple of weeks ago. His washer and dryer died, finally, so we were talking about getting him a new one. He’s been running to the laundromat for months now. I had found all new appliances for him, since we’re going to be remodeling his kitchen anyhow, so it seemed like a good time to start buying.

Hell, I bought it for him! I threw in a brand new refrigerator too and since I get a discount, I threw it on my Lowes card. Merry Christmas or whatever. Here’s $3k worth of appliances. There you go!

That’s when the problems started. Continue reading Life Shouldn’t Be This Hard!

How Can They Be This Dumb?

Yeah, I’m going to complain about this again because it’s happened twice this week and I am sick to death of it.

How can telemarketers or idiots banging on your door be as stupid as they are? What rational thought goes through their heads that they don’t know when to give up and go the hell away? Because I am about to get a shotgun and go after these assholes. I’m tired of it. Continue reading How Can They Be This Dumb?