Category Archives: Social Issues

No Time for Bullshit

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve lost all respect for bullshit. I don’t put up with it anymore. I’ve got more important things to do. Nowhere is this more true than in discussions online, where people will just throw crap at the wall and hope it sticks and when it doesn’t, they just make excuses.

I’ve got no interest in your excuses. I care about your evidence. Put up or shut up. I’m not going to try to educate you. If you’re that dumb, go away. I have zero interest in engaging with idiots. Continue reading No Time for Bullshit


I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately on this, and today, Godless Engineer put up a video, where in the thumbnail, it says “This Caller is Obviously Morally Bankrupt!”

Yeah, that’s not how morality works. So once again, we’re going to delve into this and the absurd notions that far too many people have on morality.

There is no “RIGHT MORALITY!” It just doesn’t exist! Continue reading There IS NO RIGHT MORALITY!

Why I Really Hate Both Sides

This goes for both sides of just about any issue these days, although it’s most easily seen at the extremes. They are all doing the same thing, pretty much for the same reasons, then pointing fingers at everyone else and calling them hypocrites.

Sorry, I think you’re all assholes. You have to come and join reality. What you’re doing right now is anything but. Continue reading Why I Really Hate Both Sides

I Hate Progressives #23

Finally, we come down to the last one and it’s been a journey. Honestly, I haven’t found a single one of these that I could really support. Some, it’s just pretty words and we know by their actions that they don’t mean it, but most, it’s just nonsense that they are spouting to pander to the far left. Hard pass on any of that. So, how will it all end up? Let’s see! Continue reading I Hate Progressives #23

You Just Can’t Escape the Dumb

Here we go again. You can’t get away from it. People are terminally stupid and emotionally-driven. Fuck people.

So someone posted that they got a bad tool, it was broken out of the box, they took it back where they bought it and the manager didn’t want to give them their money back.

I said it doesn’t matter, legally, they have no choice in the matter since pretty much every state has consumer protection laws that require all stores to provide refunds for defective products.

Then. the shit hit the fan. What else is new? Continue reading You Just Can’t Escape the Dumb

I Hate Progressives #21

Just a couple left in our evaluation of the Progressive Platform and they haven’t gotten one right yet. It’s all just pandering to the willfully ignorant and emotionally overwrought and that’s pretty much a hallmark of the political extremes on both sides. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a platform for the extreme right and do the same thing all over again because I’m sure they’re just as bad on some things.

So, let’s get back to it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives #21