Category Archives: Atheism

Why Paul is Important

I recently did a video response on Mike Licona where he tries to argue that Paul actually matters in the Bible. I agree with him, Paul does matter, just as every other writer in the Bible, but not for the same reasons he thinks. You need to establish a real, historical Paul so that you can objectively and independently verify that the events recorded in the Bible actually happened.

And unfortunately for the religious, you simply can’t do any of that. Continue reading Why Paul is Important

My Story: How I Left Christianity for Sanity

This isn’t a new story, but with new beginnings comes setting the stage. Therefore, I wanted to describe how I left Christianity and became an outspoken atheist. If I can do it, so can you. So can anyone. You just have to have a brain in your head and care if what you believe is actually true.

So let’s get started. Continue reading My Story: How I Left Christianity for Sanity