I just had someone over on my YouTube channel criticize me because I’m insulting people who believe in gods. They are a believer and even though they agree with me on so-called “church people”, I should stop telling people to stop using their emotions.
Except that’s not what I’m doing and someone really misunderstands pretty much everything I’m saying. So here I will explain. Continue reading Faulty Reasoning→
I recently did a video response on Mike Licona where he tries to argue that Paul actually matters in the Bible. I agree with him, Paul does matter, just as every other writer in the Bible, but not for the same reasons he thinks. You need to establish a real, historical Paul so that you can objectively and independently verify that the events recorded in the Bible actually happened.
This isn’t a new story, but with new beginnings comes setting the stage. Therefore, I wanted to describe how I left Christianity and became an outspoken atheist. If I can do it, so can you. So can anyone. You just have to have a brain in your head and care if what you believe is actually true.