All posts by admin

How I Nearly Died

So over the last weekend, my wife and I were out of town and while we were coming home, we drove past the hospital where I could have died. On the other side of the freeway was a local spaghetti restaurant where my wife and my parents went after they came to see me every day and I really like the place. There are a couple of locations around here, none exactly close to where we now live, but not exactly a huge drive, so I want to go again sometime.

Anyhow, people ask about it from time to time so I figured I’d fill in some more details. Why not, right? Continue reading How I Nearly Died

This is Going to Fail Too!

So you know they’re making a new Red Sonja movie, right? It’s been in development hell for a very long time and at one point, Bryan Singer was supposed to direct, but that was a long time ago. Now, they’ve got their second female director involved, M.J. Bassett, who replaced Jill Soloway, who now wants to be non-binary, which this is Hollywood, why the hell not, but we’re seeing that this is going to be a complete disaster.

Why? Because they can’t just tell a Red Sonja story, they have to pander to a modern woke audience and those people don’t go and see movies! Continue reading This is Going to Fail Too!

You Have to Start Somewhere

I’ve said for a long time that wanting everyone to be just like you are, that’s a recipe for disaster. It just starts echo chambers where no one can ever learn anything because everyone already believes the same thing.  I am not like that. I think it’s an unrealistic expectation, but recently, someone called me out on it and I wanted to respond.

So here we go. Continue reading You Have to Start Somewhere

Both Sides Suck!

It’s not hard to see if you just bother to look, but on YouTube especially, there are people on both sides of the social divide that assert that the other side sucks, just because the other side doesn’t agree with their own unsupported assertions. They’re right, everyone else is wrong, so there!

Sorry, but you all suck. You need to come to intellectual conclusions and most of these people just don’t care. Continue reading Both Sides Suck!

deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 2

Just as a note, anything listed in red is his words and anything in black is mine. Also, I am only going to include the parts that I am responding to to keep this a little more clear. I am also not going to be using pictures in the actual text of the debate, just to keep it clean. I am going for clarity here, and if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it clearer, by all means, put that in the comments.

Anyhow, on to part 2! Continue reading deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 2

deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 1

So I’m doing a blog debate with deliberationunderidealcond5105, which will be posted on both of our blogs. I explained that I just don’t do live debates, as I’ve spelled out time and time again on the YouTube channel, because I don’t find them to be worthwhile. There’s too much emphasis on “gotcha” and word games, plus the time constraints, so I just don’t do them.

This is also going to be posted on his blog, which you can find here. It’s being done specifically that way to prevent any hanky panky, not that I’m accusing him of doing so, but it’s always wise to do your due diligence.

This will be his opening statement and my response. No clue how often these will come out, whenever we get done, I suppose. It’s not like these things need to be a rush, it’s just two people hashing out points, and anyone who wishes to comment, please feel free to do so. Continue reading deliberationunderidealcond5105 Debate Part 1