I do my level best not to pay any attention to politics these days. It’s all crap, no matter what side you’re on and I’ve got better things to do than bother with it. All political advertising goes straight into the trash without being looked at. I’ve started to tell people who call that I’m actively voting against anyone whose followers bother me. Most of the time, they just hang up.
That said though, sometimes it’s hard to avoid the terrible crap and that comes almost entirely from the left. I just wanted to look at two or three of them.
The first one comes from Facebook, as if that’s any surprise. There are a couple of versions here, but they’re all effectively the same. The first asks what I think of the performance of the California Governor, Gavin Newsom. I think he’s a dick. I voted for his recall. I think we ought to just nuke Sacramento. It’s the only way to be sure. But, if they’re going to ask, I might as well weigh in, right?
Except I can’t. The “poll” has one and only one option. “Do you favor what Gavin Newsom is doing?” You can only answer yes. You can’t say no. It isn’t a possibility. Talk about being biased! There is a similar “poll” about the Democrats, again, with no option other than praise. You can’t say these people suck so what’s the point of asking at all? It’s the ultimate in confirmation bias from a party that cares about nothing else.
The other one popped up in a game earlier today, repeatedly because they’re throwing a lot of money at the wall. It’s a video saying “take three other people to vote with you!” Of course, they mean take three other liberals. They’d shit themselves if the conservatives started doing it. It’s just a way to get out the vote, but it isn’t about voting for the best candidates, it’s about pushing ideological superiority and that’s just stupid.
So, I immediately called up a couple of my conservative friends, just to make sure they were voting. Now, they’re going to do the same. I won’t vote for a Democrat. I’d rather not vote at all than have these parasites in office. Granted, I’m not wild about the Republicans either, I actively vote against the religious and the political left, which leaves me very few people I can vote for, but I don’t want any of these losers in office ever again. It’s just handy that these freaks are reminding me that I need to strongly oppose their agendas. Fuck the left.
In the modern age of partisan politics, honesty, intellectual discourse and actual interest in public opinion is a thing of the past. Nobody cares, not on the extremes of either side. They just want confirmation bias and victory at any cost and I’m not interested in giving that to anyone. If I don’t support you, I won’t vote for you. In fact, I’ll actively vote against you. I’ll oppose you in any way that I can. Screw these political shills. Maybe it’s time we have a revolution because this crap just has to stop.