Ran into another video today by A.B. Higashi, who is kind of in the Dan McClellan camp of an expert who isn’t necessarily on-board with all of the religious claims, and he put out a video on “how do we know Paul was real?”
I’ve kind of addressed this before in videos, but I wanted to do so again today. So see you below the fold. Continue reading Here’s Why I Don’t Buy the Criteria →
I’ve been watching a lot of Dan McClellan videos and generally speaking, I like his content, although not necessarily his conclusions. Because you’d expect for someone who knows the Bible as well as Dan clearly does, he’d know better than to take any of it seriously, but Dan is a Mormon. That makes no sense to me and I’ve been looking for a way to express that.
I might have found it in a video he did today, so I wanted to talk about it. Continue reading Assessing Dan McClellan →
Really short post since I justĀ got off the phone, but I was trying to make an appointment with an optometrist to get my eyes checked. My doctor makes me do it every year or so, but the optometrist that I usually use, the one that is usually at the medical group I go to, he retired so I had to find another one.
Geez, it’s hard to deal with the rampant stupidity out there. Continue reading This is Why I Shake My Head →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides