I came across this video in my feed today and, once again, the fact that the far left and the far right are doing the exact same thing rears its ugly head. How these two groups can be so blinded by their own ideology as not to see it, I have no idea!
First, of course, here’s the video in question. Mostly, it’s the first part, but Matt Walsh throws in some decent commentary at the end and it’s worth a watch. Come see me down below when you’re done.

How many times have I pointed out the religious musical definition game? What is faith? It depends on what they need it to mean at the moment. They’re very “flexible” in their terminology, just like the political left are. They’re doing the same thing.
Now I’m not a fan of Matt Walsh. He’s a Catholic douchebag, but even douchebags sometimes makeĀ good points. Yet I’m sure if I pointed out to him that Christians are doing the same damn thing, he’d refuse to accept it. He doesn’t believe things for rational reasons, any more than the left-wing extremes do. It’s all fee-fees and faith and as you well know, I find that utterly reprehensible.
This is the problem with both extremes. They’re both doing the same indefensible things for the same incoherent reasons. Here’s the funny bit though. Both sides react the same way to criticism. Try it out for yourself. First, they will run away. Both sides always do. They can’t stand up to a fair fight. However, both do the same thing in the midst of their heading for the hills. They will issue inane threats. For the religious, it’s always “you’re going to go to hell, God is going to kick your ass”, etc. For the loony left, it’s “you’re going to get cancelled, you’re a Nazi,” etc. Both of them are operating on pure emotion and nothing else.
If you get them to shut up for a moment and ask them why they think that way, they don’t have any coherent answers. They have no non-emotional justification for their beliefs. It’s just true because that’s what they want to believe. We point this out about the religious all the time over on YouTube. They don’t care about reality. If you won’t buy into their emotional bullshit hook, line and sinker, they want nothing to do with you. When they’re really pissed off, they’ll start throwing around the “pearls before swine” crap on their way out the door. They are incapable of having an intelligent discussion. I know. I’ve tried it a lot. “How did you get there?” “How do you know that?” “Where’s your evidence for that?” That’s the fastest way to get them to disengage because they have none of that.
Yet the political left is the exact same way and the farthest to the extreme that you go, the worse that itĀ gets, until they start to look positively identical. There’s an old saying, something about going so far to one extreme that you come out on the other side? That’s exactly what’s happening. Fanaticism is not something to be proud of and that goes for everyone, regardless of your side in the ideological divide. This is really what happens when you get a lot of intellectually lazy people together. They just believe stuff because it’s simpler to believe than it is to think about it and work things out for themselves.
That’s kind of sad, isn’t it?