Here’s the Problem with Religion

Caught a clip over on Atheist Experience and figured I’d comment on it. I have no problem with the way that they handled it, but it was obvious from the beginning that it was a lost case and they still wasted 25 minutes talking to this idiot. This is exactly why the religious are so bone-headed.

Take a look below the fold.

First, here’s the video, take a look if you want. I’m not going anywhere.

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So, if you watched it, heck, if you watch any of my videos, you’ll already know what I’m going to say. It is insanely common for the religious to just say “I just know that’s how it is!” You’ll notice Frank did it here. “Everyone knows that objective morality exists!”

Really? Do tell.

This is always where things get interesting because when they’re talking to me, I’ll tell them flat-out that they’re wrong. I don’t believe that objective morality exists. I’m a moral anti-realist. So is JMike, at least he used to be. Your wishes and your dreams don’t make something a reality. That’s always where these things go so horribly wrong for the religious. They think they get so speak for us. They are simply wrong.

However, that’s not the only problem. I think they tried to point it out to him, but Frank was so far gone by that point that I figure they just gave up. His entire argument was “I don’t get it, therefore God!” Morality exists, or so he says, that proves God is real!

Except it doesn’t. It does nothing remotely of the sort. This is what I’m constantly pointing out to them. Just because you believe it, that doesn’t make it true. Had I taken that call, my first question, once I got the morality garbage out of the way, was “how do you know that?” Why God? Why not Allah? Why not the flying spaghetti monster? Just because you really want it to be God, that doesn’t mean God done it.

This is pretty much the point at which most of them run away. They do what Frank tried to do, throw random Bible verses around on your way, exit stage right. These people don’t understand atheists and don’t care. They figure everyone is just like they are. It’s why he tried to ask “you don’t accept any ancient books of mythology?” At least, I figure, that’s what he meant. My answer is no, not without evidence and Forrest got him with that and he ignored it entirely.

The problem is, this isn’t really the place to pile on the philosophy. It’s a very simple issue to address. Where is your evidence? No evidence = no belief. Now they’ll just stumble away wondering what happened, it isn’t like they’re going to change their mind, but at least you don’t have to waste much time on them and their ignorance. You can’t talk sense into the monumentally senseless, after all.

So I figure that Forrest and JMike did as must as they could do, it would have been better if they’d addressed the “who says it was your god?” Nobody ever talks about that, or at least they don’t push it hard enough to matter. Just because your book says a thing that you like, that doesn’t mean anything. Lots of books say things that lots of people like. That doesn’t prove anything. It just proves how clueless these people are.

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