Critical Race Theory is Dumb

I found myself in a discussion recently about critical race theory. Yes, I know, it was a waste of time, but that’s what passes for pseudo-intelligent discourse online these days. So here’s what I think about CRT and racism in general and why I think the whole underpinnings are just absurdly nonsensical. Feel free to disagree in the comments and let’s have a discussion.

Before we can get started on why it’s a bad idea, we need to lay out exactly what we mean by CRT. Like all things, it depends on who you ask because these concepts are never laid out in black and white (no pun intended).

According to the UCLA School of Public Affairs, critical race theory is: “CRT recognizes that racism is engrained (sic) in the fabric and system of the American society. The individual racist need not exist to note that institutional racism is pervasive in the dominant culture. This is the analytical lens that CRT uses in examining existing power structures. CRT identifies that these power structures are based on white privilege and white supremacy, which perpetuates the marginalization of people of color.”

Legal scholar Roy L. Brooks has defined CRT as “a collection of critical stances against the existing legal order from a race-based point of view.” He further says “it focuses on the various ways in which the received tradition in law adversely affects people of color not as individuals but as a group. Thus, CRT attempts to analyze law and legal traditions through the history, contemporary experiences, and racial sensibilities of racial minorities in this country. The question always lurking in the background of CRT is this: What would the legal landscape look like today if people of color were the decision-makers?”

The problem with all of this, if you actually think about it, is that it looks at humanity in an entirely divisive way. It separates people inherently based on immutable physical characteristics instead of recognizing that none of those things actually matter. Now you can argue that they do matter, to the people who take them seriously, but that really isn’t the issue. Those people are wrong. These ideas cannot help American society moving forward, they can only hinder us inherently.

That’s really the problem that I have with a lot of these far-left identity politics positions. They are not built to aid the healing, they are built to encourage division. Whether anyone likes it or not, there is no inherent difference between a black person and a white person, between a Hispanic person and an Asian person. We’re all human inside. Gathering into discrete groups based on something none of us can help is foolish in the extreme.

I don’t look at anyone and think that they are inherently better or worse than anyone else, based on immutable physical characteristics. That’s the very definition of racism, at least until the idiots of the far left started playing with definitions because it fit their political narrative. The definition of racism, according to the dictionary, is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” Isn’t that what the left does routinely? They are prejudiced toward other people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group. Doesn’t that make them racists? There are no double standards out there, just because they are biased against white people, that doesn’t change what they’re doing.

Of course, that’s where these discussions tend to go south because the second you point that out, the other side has a fit.  You can’t be racist against whites! It’s why they invented the “power dynamics” rider for their own in-house definitions, so they can still hate people and get away from it if you don’t look at it very closely. It’s why they crap their pants if you dare say “All Lives Matter”. They don’t care about all lives, only about their own little pet groups and that is, by the definition of the word, racist.

I’m not going to argue that in the past, these things weren’t true. That blacks and other minorities weren’t abused for no other reason than the color of their skin. It was horrible, but we can’t just live in the past, we have to be accountable for today and that’s exactly what CRT ignores. It is trying to encourage continued racist views based on something that hasn’t been true for a very long time. Isn’t it time that views changed so that we can all go together into a brighter tomorrow? Yet if you look at the things being said by the founders of BLM and Antifa, those things are lauded as stunning and brave, whereas if you changed just the color from white to black, you’d get run out of town on a rail being called a racist and a Nazi. It’s funny how these things work, isn’t it?

The fact is, CRT encourages things to remain the way that they are, specifically so that the political left can gain power. Anyone who doesn’t see that’s what’s going on, they aren’t paying attention. CRT pushes people to gather together in racially homogeneous groups so they can sit around and hate everyone else while pushing themselves as inherently downtrodden demographics. Isn’t it about time people grew the hell up and stopped doing that on both sides?

Yet it seems to be the left that are most vocal about this. If white people wanted to join together in white-only communities, people throw a fit. If blacks do it, it’s fine. Why the double standard? It was wrong to segregate schools, but fine when blacks want black-only universities. What gives? The only way that things are going to change is if everyone, on both sides, grow the hell up. We need no double standards. People are people. Stop pretending otherwise. Your skin color doesn’t matter. It’s why Martin Luther King Jr.  once said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Today, I think he’d be utterly ashamed by what the political left has become, but he’d just be called an Uncle Tom race-traitor and bounced right out of the Democratic party. Nobody on the left sees a problem with this. Why is that?

Oh right, they’re racists!

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