Tag Archives: pets

Activist Idiots

It’s weird where you find stupid people, but here you go. Over on Facebook, in a local pet group, someone posted that she had a dog that she’d gotten from a homeless guy who, in her words “wasn’t taking care of it”. She was trying to give it away.

I said, as a helpful comment, that she might want to amend her original post and confirm that the homeless guy had given her the dog and requested that she find it a new home. Homeless people have rights, including property rights. You can’t just take their belongings, and a dog is property, against their will because you don’t like what they’re doing with it. Otherwise, she was in possession of stolen property.

That’s when the shit storm started. Continue reading Activist Idiots

More Stupidity, the Pet Edition

I just decided to throw this one out there because… why not? Over on Facebook, I’m in a bunch of local pet groups, mostly because I find my fair share of stray dogs and getting them reunited with their families is pretty high on my list of things to do. I’ve done it twice in the past two weeks already.

Yet that’s another place to find a lot of really, really stupid people. Let’s dive right in. Continue reading More Stupidity, the Pet Edition