Activist Idiots

It’s weird where you find stupid people, but here you go. Over on Facebook, in a local pet group, someone posted that she had a dog that she’d gotten from a homeless guy who, in her words “wasn’t taking care of it”. She was trying to give it away.

I said, as a helpful comment, that she might want to amend her original post and confirm that the homeless guy had given her the dog and requested that she find it a new home. Homeless people have rights, including property rights. You can’t just take their belongings, and a dog is property, against their will because you don’t like what they’re doing with it. Otherwise, she was in possession of stolen property.

That’s when the shit storm started.

Tons of people came out screaming “she saved the dog!” No, I think it was pretty clear by that point that she didn’t “save” anything, she stole the dog from its owner and was now trying to give it away. There is a right way and a wrong way to do these things. If the homeless person was abusing the dog or not providing sufficient care, the right way is to contact the police or animal control, they will go out and assess the situation and if the homeless person is violating the law, the dog will be confiscated and taken to the shelter. That’s the LEGAL way to go about it.

Most of these idiots don’t care about legality though. They figure that if they want a thing to be true, it has to be true because they wish it was. It’s the very epitome of Adam Savage’s “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” These people are stupid.

Granted, these are the same people who set up organized protests against the local animal shelter because they are constantly overloaded with animals and have to put a ton of them down. They’re not mad at the idiots who are backyard breeding their pets. They’re not mad at the people who don’t get their pets fixed. They’re not mad at the morons who get tired of their pets and just dump them on the streets. It’s an epidemic nationwide, but around here, they get far, far more animals than they can handle and, for large parts of the year, they have to shut down their intake completely because they are overwhelmed. In the real world, there’s only so much time, space, money and people to handle these things, but no, to the moron activists, they’re “murderers!”

Well how about you run your ass down there and adopt some of those animals? Oh no, they can’t do that because most of these people who spend their lives in online activism, they’re poor. They have no money on their own and I bet if we looked at the animal husbandry for the pets they do have, we’d find it tremendously lacking.

Not that they look at their own problems or anything, they just complain about others. This is yet another ludicrous case of fee-fees over facts and none of these people care. They don’t want to deal with reality, they just want to feeeeeeeel good! In fact, they make things worse.

There are women, and these people are almost entirely women, who spend their days driving around, looking for stray pets. That’s what they do. They have no jobs, they just hunt for animals “in need” and when they can’t find those, they literally steal them. There is an epidemic right now of pets being stolen out of enclosed back yards and some of these women have been caught doing it. Someone will post a dog being stolen on a Facebook group and at the same time, one of these busybody assholes will post the same animal in another group. “I found it!” No, you stole it. Sometimes they’ll even be honest about it. “I liberated it!” No, that’s not liberation, that’s called theft. You deserve to go to jail and I know, in at least one case, that’s exactly what happened. A “serial-liberator” got arrested for stealing dogs out of people’s back yards, posting them on Facebook with a huge “rehoming fee” and crowing about how wonderful she was because she was “saving animals”. No, you’re a criminal. I hope they throw the book at you.

Then again, their followers, again, almost completely women, will cheer them on as the heroes of the cause. They’ve got criminal groupies. It’s ridiculous. This looks just like the modern political landscape because it is the modern political landscape. Groups of loud criminals shouting everyone else down because they think they’re the heroes that everyone needs. If you say anything potentially disparaging about their activities, instantly there are cries to have you removed from the group. It’s animal-based cancel culture. Two guesses which side of the political divide these people belong to and you won’t need the first one.

Why are dumb people so ridiculously easy to find these days? Mostly, I figure, because they’ve been raised wrong, been indoctrinated into thinking their feelings mean more than the real world does and because nobody holds them accountable. These are dumb people and dumb people are not only to be pitied, but to be fixed. Otherwise, they are a hazard to society at large and I think we’ve got more than enough hazards out there already. Someone throw the book at these loons. I think we need them off the streets.

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