Fuck Charities

Now this is a long-standing problem, but my wife’s parents died, about 2 years ago now, more or less, and we, since she’s the executor of their will and estate, we just changed their address to ours, so we’d get all of the important mail. Along with that, we get tons of junk mail for them and it goes right into the trash.

Because they were big supporters of different charities, we also get that. This is where we have a big issue because these idiots don’t take no for an answer.

I only bring this up because I just had to deal with it again today. We’ll get solicitation letters from these charities, asking for donations. Way back when it started, I’d take any that sent a postage-paid envelope, I’d send back a note that said they were dead, please stop sending things. Obviously, they’re not going to donate any more.

There was one, I want to say it was the USO, but I could be completely wrong. I’m pretty sure this was a military thing of some sort, but he supported a bunch of them. This was 2 years ago and I don’t want anyone getting mad at them on behalf of my perhaps faulty memory. Anyhow, we got a donation letter, I write “he’s dead, please take us off your mailing list” and put it back into the mail. Surely that would put a stop to it, right?

Nope. A couple of weeks later, we got a letter. Inside, it said they were sorry for our loss, which is fine, but then they said something along the lines of “would you like to assume his obligation” and yes, they used the word obligation, “and continue to support our organization?”

First off, fuck you. If I wanted to do that, I’d do that on my own, not just pick up the “obligation” of a dead man. Secondly, the letter continued, something about “would you like to sign over all or part of the estate to us?”

Not just no, but hell no. I didn’t respond, mostly because I would have said some things that I probably wouldn’t have regretted, but I’d done my part, I’d informed them of his passing, they can go and pound sand. Except we started getting more donation letters, still addressed to my wife’s father. They know he’s dead but they don’t  care. Neither do I. We are still getting them to this day. So, I just take their postage-paid envelopes out and throw it back into the mail. Let them pay the postage costs, which only become due when they enter the mail stream. I do that with all of the crap donation letters we get. If they’re paying postage, I send it back empty. Let them incur the costs.

Now you’d think they’d eventually figure it out because most of these have bar codes indicating who it’s coming from. Nope, every month or every other month, we get more and they get more empty envelopes back. I’ve stopped caring. It’s obvious they don’t. I might start attaching these things to bricks to see if they notice. I don’t know that they’re that bright.

It’s little more than a joke now. I just want to keep doing it to see how long it’s going to take for them to figure it out. Every once in a while, like today, I’ll take pity, I’ll write, in big black letters, “THEY’RE DEAD!” and send it back. Maybe they’ll notice but I’m not holding my breath. Every once in a while, someone will send something interesting inside and we keep that. Calendars, note pads, anything we might use, we keep it. We’re under no obligation to send back anything sent to us without our consent. One of them sends nickels stuck to the inner envelope. We pull those off and throw them in a pile of all the rest of the change we hardly ever use. My father-in-law was a coin collector and we wound up with his collection. I bought one of those Whitman coin albums and we’re just putting all the nickels we get into it. Why not, right?

This is the kind of rampant fiscal irresponsibility that we see in society now. Not only are they harassing us with their unwanted mail, not only have they refused to take us off of their list, and I know I could probably make a big deal about it, but it takes 2 seconds to toss it into the recycling bin, and I just have zero sympathy for these morons. You’d think that if someone hadn’t responded for 2 years, they weren’t interested in giving you any more money, right? No, these people are just dumb, so if I can cost them money, I’ll do it. They’ve earned it. Screw ’em all.

So what’s pissed you off lately? Let me know down in the comments. This should be common sense, but it’s not. I don’t think common sense is all that common these days. The whole world has gone to shit and I refuse to play along. How about you?

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