Reality is a Bad Word

I think I’ve just given up again. I’ve been in a centrist political group for a couple of weeks and I think I’m going to leave before my brain just implodes. You cannot have intelligent conversations with people because most people are just too stupid to live.

So here we go again!

I don’t really remember how the conversation happened. I think it was something about why the group wasn’t really centrist at all, it was mostly full of left-wing shills. It was a good discussion, until the left-wing shills showed up and started screaming that it was, in fact, far-right wing because… well, they had no idea why, but it was!

Zero evidence presented, they just “knew” they were right.

After that, it shifted to claims that everyone was trying to indoctrinate them into some crazy right-wing cult. I opened my mouth and… yeah, it didn’t go well.

Somewhere along the line, people were talking about public schools and I said that public schools were really just left-wing indoctrination centers these days. The religious had the churches, the liberals had the schools. Both just wanted to get to the kids before they knew any better.

We know that’s what’s  going on, but they don’t like the idea. Mostly, I think they just don’t like getting called out on it. Somebody got really indignant, that “teaching kids to be tolerant was a good thing”. Sure, I agree. However, that’s not what’s going on. It’s be tolerant of the people the left-wing favors and not anyone on the right. Hate those people, but you’d damn well love all of the imaginary victims on the left. I don’t see them tolerating Trump supporters, do you?

This then morphed into something on being gay. I think it was someone raising a victim narrative, saying that public schools helped people not hate gay people because there were so many gay people in Gen-Z.

Therefore, I opened my mouth again. Science has known, through studies, that gay people make up, at most, about 5% of the population and trans people make up less than 1%. Someone had said that among Gen-Z, the number of people claiming to be gay was as high as 20%. What we’re really seeing, I think, is that the indoctrination of the public schools is making Gen-Z kids say they are gay or trans or whatever, just because they want to fit in with the narrative. There is a difference between being gay, which is a genetic thing, and saying you are gay or engaging in gay sex, which can be pushed by political ideology. Remember that woman who was part of the NAACP who was absolutely white, but she just “felt” black? That’s the kind of nonsense I’m talking about. This says some pretty damning things about Gen-Z and I proposed that the liberal indoctrination centers that they were forced to attend, that probably had a lot to do with it.

They said “I don’t care what science says. Gay people just exist, as many of them as think they do!”

These people are complete morons.

The problem is, I don’t fit in with any group, not that I really care, but there has to be somewhere intelligent to discuss politics and I haven’t found it. I am an atheist. That leaves me out of anything on the right. I hate progressives. That leaves me out of anything on the left. I pretty much disagree with everyone who isn’t living in the real world and that means most people these days. I will never find a political party that I care about or agree with and I know that  the overwhelming majority of people just vote their feelings and not the facts and that is something that I am sick of.

I’m at the point of why bother voting because it’s going to be crap no matter who gets into office. I’m not going to run myself because nobody would vote for me because I am against the lies that every party has been telling forever and nobody wants to live in the real world anyhow.

Maybe it’s time I just accept that the world is fucked and I might as well just do my own thing until I finally drop dead and it won’t matter anymore. That’s honestly what I’m leaning toward anymore.

What do you think?

4 thoughts on “Reality is a Bad Word”

  1. Well, if one considers the left/ right line as collectivist/ individualist, then I’m far-right. (Yes, I realise that “no man is [truly] an island” (although, a desert island with fresh running water & animals to breed & eat, may be a ‘goer’).)

    I’m for a miniscule government, using the ideas of Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, etc. – without any religious interference.
    “ … there shall ever be a wall of separation between church & state.”

    We should reclaim “the right” from the religious, although this seems to, mostly, be an American issue, it’s crept its way into European politics as well – I think, off the top of my head!

    Also an anti-theistic atheist.

    Yes, I, too, have come to the conclusion that the ‘West’ is, indeed, fucked, with the rest of the world not far behind. Voting? Ha!
    I have a plan which, sky fairy permitting (!), should last until I “shuffle off …”, then my heirs will have a place to similarly use.

    Be well, because I really like your posts & videos, & the world needs more people like yourself.
    Live long & prosper.

    (Pseudonym, just because …)

    1. No one should be an island, don’t worry. Unfortunately, we have two political extremes where being an individual is not allowed. You have to follow the orthodoxy or else. You get punished by an imaginary man in the sky or you get cancelled and not allowed to exist. When you get right down to it, both extremes are doing the exact same thing. They’ve gone so far to one side that they’ve come out on the other.

      I’m a small government guy too. People need to be responsible for themselves and their own lives. I’m fine with society helping those who get into trouble, but far too many people these days just aren’t trying because they know there is an eternal social safety net. Why get an education when the government will just send you a check? Why keep a job or make responsible decisions when there is someone there to bail you out whenever you fail, with no consequences whatsoever. It’s really stupid.

      Both sides are ridiculously authoritarian. Do what they say or else you’ll pay. Why? Because they don’t care about the people, they care about power. The government is not your friend. It never has been and it never will be. Religion is not your friend. They never have been. They just have their hand out for your money, just like the government does. It’s all absurd.

      It’s really too bad that nobody listens to reason because they’re too busy sucking at the teat of their ideological overlords. They haven’t got a clue how to think. Reasoning and rationality are bad words. We are screwed unless something changes and I don’t see that happening any time soon.

      Glad you like the content. I feel really alone most of the time, but it’s nice to see that there are others with a clue. Hope you stick around. We all need to stick together.

      1. As long as I have access to the interwebs, & as long as you upload, I shall read your articles, & listen to/ watch your videos – odysee only (where you should have more views & interaction), because screwtube sucks!

        Kindred ‘spirits’.

        Thank you.

        1. I honestly do nothing to advertise on Odyssee or BitChute so I don’t get a lot of views. Mostly, those exist only so my content doesn’t vanish if YouTube decides to get stupid.

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