This is What Bugs Me

So I just got done watching a TimCast video, where formerly centrist Tim Pool has gone entirely right-wing lunatic. It was a video where they were talking about the recent Bud Light controversy, where Budweiser decided to cater to transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney and all kinds of shit hit the fan.

Fine, whatever. It was a poor choice on their part and their stock value crashed $5 billion dollars in a week. It’s not like I drink beer anyhow, I don’t care.

It’s just that they keep pushing this as a quasi-religious issue that drives me crazy.

It seems very difficult these days to have any conversation without it winding up in the extremes. It either becomes a religious issue, as it has far too often in this case, with people saying “God has delivered the heathens into our hands!” because now the beer-swilling masses are having their say over men-dressing-as-women-on-beer-cans, or you have the far left, screaming “representation!” all the time like a bunch of 2-year olds. There doesn’t seem to be any sanity going on in these conversations.

Well, I am sick of the extremes. I want nothing to do with the religious or the regressives and if I could figure out a way for both sides to fall into a volcano, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I want both ends to die the most horrible and painful death imaginable. I’ve just had enough.

Yet it seems impossible to just have a reasonable discussion with rational people these days. Everything has to have an agenda attached and the agendas, of late, seem to be the most irrational, obnoxious, irrelevant drivel imaginable. Sure, both sides seem supremely convinced that they have a point, but their arguments just don’t make any sense to a rational person like me. It’s all fee-fees and faith and neither of those things impress me one bit.

I just don’t know what to do about it. I start a lot of YouTube videos these days. I’ll think to myself, “hey, that looks interesting” and by the time I’m 2 minutes in, I’m turning it off because it’s clear that this person is a lunatic. It reminds me of that scene in Airplane! where, in a flashback, there’s a guy in a suit, talking to his brother in a mental institution. He sounds reasonable, but then the guys in the white coats come and take him away because he is, in fact, out of his mind. That seems to be everyone these days. Where are the sane people? They’re all hiding under the bed, waiting for the crazies to go away!

There has to be a way to get back to some form of normalcy and I don’t know what it is. People don’t want to evaluate reality critically anymore. They just want to believe and I am sick and tired of “believers”. I want thinkers.

What do we have to do to find those?

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