It’s a Stupid Day in the Neighborhood

Geez, it’s hard to find a good day anymore but today was absolutely painful, especially over on r/BitChute. Now BitChute, as a platform, has a lot of problems. That much is obvious and indisputable. However, it’s sad to watch people getting mad when people point out just how many problems there are because they’re totally blind to it all.

So let’s go look at some stupid.No I don’t really know where this started and I don’t feel like hunting it down, but today, someone posted something about “look at all of the shills for Odysee!”

Funny, I must have missed that part. Of course, they are assuming that anyone who criticizes BitChute for any reason, they must be shilling for another site. Nobody can actually be pointing out just how bad BitChute actually is. It’s all a grand conspiracy!

No, it’s a simple observation. BitChute, no matter what any of these pathetic fanboys would like to think, just doesn’t work well. That’s why 80%+ of all of the posts on r/BitChute are complaining that videos don’t upload, that they don’t process, that they crash, that the quality is garbage because BitChute can barely run 720p video. That’s pathetic in this day and age. These aren’t new problems either. They have been going on since the site launched and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. BitChute is just begging for money and not producing any quantifiable improvements with all of the money they’ve made.

It’s kind of like a scam.

Of course, r/BitChute doesn’t like that. In fact, they don’t like it so much that the mods started threatening people who don’t kiss the ass of the platform, the people they are just calling “shills” because they’re not willing to blind themselves to all of the problems, now they’re threatening to mass ban anyone who doesn’t comply with their emotional wishful thinking.

Here, let me save you the trouble. Consider me unsubscribed permanently.

There really is a lot of that going on out there these days, where people are insisting that if they don’t get their way, they’re going to bring down the ban-hammer on anyone who disagrees with them. There are whole segments of Reddit right now that are saying that if the site doesn’t comply with their wishes, they’ll shut down their channels. Good riddance to you assholes. That’s not how rational people operate but these are not rational people.

Frankly, I’m not a fan of BitChute these days anyhow. It was never anything more than a backup site for me anyhow. The chances that YouTube is going to be deleting my channel are minuscule at best, although granted, they have taken to age-restricting videos that I put up 6-8 years ago, because apparently, suddenly those videos have become offensive in all of that time, when there was nothing at all wrong with it for 84 months or more. Maybe the problem isn’t the videos. Maybe it’s YouTube. Just saying. However, of late, I’ve seen the comments section on my BitChute videos become an utter cesspool. Spam. People who clearly don’t even watch theĀ  video, they just throw childish insults around and pretend that makes them worthwhile. It’s just sad, to the point that I might consider taking my BitChute site down entirely. It’s just not worth it anymore.

It’s really the same reason I abandoned Gab and Minds. They’ve all turned into pathetic echo chambers. YouTube isn’t much better but at least, at the moment, I can still upload what I want without any real problems and at least YouTube works. It doesn’t crash catastrophically every other day. My videos get uploaded and processed the first time, every time. I can’t remember the last time it failed. That’s not something I can say for BitChute.

Sad, isn’t it?

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