Tag Archives: stupidity

Fuck Charities

Now this is a long-standing problem, but my wife’s parents died, about 2 years ago now, more or less, and we, since she’s the executor of their will and estate, we just changed their address to ours, so we’d get all of the important mail. Along with that, we get tons of junk mail for them and it goes right into the trash.

Because they were big supporters of different charities, we also get that. This is where we have a big issue because these idiots don’t take no for an answer. Continue reading Fuck Charities

California is Stupid Once Again

California announced that all fast food workers are getting forced raises to a new minimum wage of $20 an hour. Immediately, McDonalds and Chipolte announced massive price increases across the board in California and places like Pizza Hut immediately laid off all of their delivery drivers.

Who didn’t see this one coming? All the idiots in Sacramento without brains. Continue reading California is Stupid Once Again

Atheists Aren’t That Bright Either

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but someone on Reddit posted, complaining that somehow, “male atheists were driving away female atheists” and it’s all the fault of men.

I pointed out that there simply aren’t as many female atheists as there are male. That started a shit show, even though it is demonstrably true, because these people are idiots.

What else is new? Continue reading Atheists Aren’t That Bright Either

Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

I ran into a thread on Reddit today, where they were talking about atheists who are conservative, because they couldn’t imagine how anyone who was intelligent, educated and non-religious could identify that way.

Well, once upon a time, I identified that way, at least in a limited fashion, so I read through it and found that it was mostly people who were talking out of their own asses.

Somehow, that is not at all surprising. Continue reading Why It’s Pointless to Argue Politics

Stupid YouTube Channels

This is more of a rant, so if you don’t like that kind of thing, feel free to click away now. I won’t be mad.

However, I’ve been seeing a ton of this lately and I am ever so sick of it. I mean YouTube channels who exist only to explain why they hate absolutely everything that they do, yet they keep on doing it. It’s rage-bait for the sake of rage-bait.

Holy crap, assholes, you can just stop! Continue reading Stupid YouTube Channels

The Courts Can’t Be This Dumb!

I know they are, but how? I got called for jury duty. It’s not a big deal, they don’t want me anyhow, but I got called for next week and I’m going to be out of town.

Therefore, I jumped on the website to put it off and… well, you’ll have to see that for yourself. How can these people be so stupid? I sure don’t understand! Continue reading The Courts Can’t Be This Dumb!

Atheists Aren’t Much Smarter

The more I talk to atheists, the dumber a lot of them are. Yes, I said atheists. Just because you reject belief in a god, that doesn’t necessarily make you a rational individual.

That happened again today, so I wanted to take a couple of minutes to explain. This is not at all unusual. These people really have no clue what they’re doing wrong. Continue reading Atheists Aren’t Much Smarter