Tag Archives: religion

Why Are They So Dumb?

I honestly don’t get the religious. I’ve been doing a couple of videos of late that are just… painful to get through because the theist is just so obnoxiously dumb and they’re seemingly proud of it.

That reminded me of one of our own resident religious wing nuts, Jeremy Crofutt, who has posted a bunch of really asinine things of late and doesn’t seem to understand what the hell he’s doing wrong.

So let’s explain it, even though I doubt he’s capable of understanding. Continue reading Why Are They So Dumb?

More Blindness in Media

I just keep running into these things and it’s bizarre how people can’t see that their own side is doing all of this too. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about the left, whining about the right or vice versa, both extremes are doing the same damnĀ  thing and can’t see what they’re doing in the mirror.

I’ll keep this one short, it’s just another example, but let’s talk about it. Continue reading More Blindness in Media

Why Do People Misunderstand Philosophy?

I was thinking about this lately and it seems to me, especially when it comes to religion, but that’s not the only place it occurs, that far too many people completely misunderstand how logical syllogisms work. They seem to think that if you can put a three-line argument together, you’ve automatically won the debate.

Sorry, that’s not how it works at all. Therefore, I’m going to give a high-level overview of syllogisms and why so many people are using them completely wrong. Hope it helps. Continue reading Why Do People Misunderstand Philosophy?

I Actually Had This Conversation

Last night, I had this conversation with a theist. It didn’t start off as a theistic discussion, it was about death with dignity and I had no clue it was with a theist when I started, but it all ties together nicely and shows just how clueless the religious actually are.

They’ve got some fundamental problems upstairs. Let’s go take a look. Continue reading I Actually Had This Conversation

It’s Hard to be Impressed

I was thinking about this over the last couple of days, but maybe you can relate to this. Have you ever watched two theists debate? It doesn’t matter what kind of theist they are, they can share the same faith or they can be completely different, but it’s really not very impressive if you approach it from the outside.

Why is that? Here’s my explanation and why I think playing those games is ultimately pointless. Continue reading It’s Hard to be Impressed

Deconstructing Religion

Now Drew over at Genetically Modified Skeptic put up a video about how he’s managed to cope with the loss of his religion over the period of five years since he regained some semblance of sanity and while I think some of the points he made are good, I had a lot of things that I wanted to comment on and some of the things that I’ve learned in the 35+ years since I walked away from Christianity. So here I go and I hope that itĀ  can help people who are struggling with the change. Continue reading Deconstructing Religion

Where Charlie Kirk goes Wrong

This is what makes being a secular conservative so difficult sometimes because the vast majority of people that you might have one thing in common with, you invariably strongly disagree with them on their underlying principles.

Take Charlie Kirk, for example. In general terms, I agree with a lot of the things he says. It’s just when he opens his mouth about religion that I absolutely cringe. So let’s explore one of his videos and see exactly where the problems lie. Continue reading Where Charlie Kirk goes Wrong

Putting the Cart in Front of the God

This is something that I’ve thought for a while but could only really put into coherent words recently. Someone pointed out that it’s very similar to my 30 Second Debate Tactic so it’s been floating around out there for a very long time but hey, I’m going to try to articulate it here.

Theists, it doesn’t matter what your book says until you establish a baseline for your claims! Let’s talk about it. Continue reading Putting the Cart in Front of the God