Ran into another video today by A.B. Higashi, who is kind of in the Dan McClellan camp of an expert who isn’t necessarily on-board with all of the religious claims, and he put out a video on “how do we know Paul was real?”
I’ve kind of addressed this before in videos, but I wanted to do so again today. So see you below the fold. Continue reading Here’s Why I Don’t Buy the Criteria →
Just had another “fun” debate with a theist over “evidence” and it’s really clear that they have no clue what they’re talking about. Oh, he claimed to be knowledgeable about modern historical methods, but clearly, that wasn’t how it worked out.
So let’s dive into it. This was hysterical to watch. Continue reading They Still Don’t Get Evidence! →
So, today I posted part two of a video and over on BitChute, some crazy theist popped up and started making absurd accusations.
This is hardly the first time it’s happened, this guy is out of his mind, but I find it funny just how badly these people fail. So let’s go take a look at it, shall we? Continue reading The Religious Have no Clue! →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides