Tag Archives: atheism

Deconstructing Religion

Now Drew over at Genetically Modified Skeptic put up a video about how he’s managed to cope with the loss of his religion over the period of five years since he regained some semblance of sanity and while I think some of the points he made are good, I had a lot of things that I wanted to comment on and some of the things that I’ve learned in the 35+ years since I walked away from Christianity. So here I go and I hope that it  can help people who are struggling with the change. Continue reading Deconstructing Religion

My Story: How I Left Christianity for Sanity

This isn’t a new story, but with new beginnings comes setting the stage. Therefore, I wanted to describe how I left Christianity and became an outspoken atheist. If I can do it, so can you. So can anyone. You just have to have a brain in your head and care if what you believe is actually true.

So let’s get started. Continue reading My Story: How I Left Christianity for Sanity