Well, I finally did it. I went through and deleted my accounts on both Gab and Minds. What once looked like a decent experiment, it failed miserably, at least for the things that I was looking for in a social media site. Anyone looking for me there, don’t bother. I’m not going back. Continue reading Farewell Gab and Minds
The Consciousness Conundrum
This is another subject that comes up a lot in discussions, most often, I notice, with the non-religious. Often, it is tied to the free will debate and they will claim that we don’t really have free will because neuroscience has shown that decisions are made before the conscious mind is even aware of them.
Yeah, but you’re just doing reality wrong, sorry! Continue reading The Consciousness Conundrum
Let’s Talk Morality
I know that I’ve been doing this a lot lately, but the Atheist Experience has been giving me a lot to think about and, as should be clear by now, disagree with. Now I’ve gone on record disagreeing with Matt Dillahunty’s pronouncements on secular morality and I’m sure I’ll get into that again, but the simple problem is that morality isn’t simple and far too many people seem interested in spitting out a simplistic, easy-to-digest, easy-to-impose moral solution.
It just doesn’t work that way. Continue reading Let’s Talk Morality
Enough With the Emotions!
So I saw a video on YouTube this morning from the most recent Atheist Experience episode and it just illustrates the point that I’ve made before. Just because you’re non-religious, that doesn’t make you automatically rational.
So let’s talk about it. Continue reading Enough With the Emotions!
It’s a Stupid Day in the Neighborhood
Geez, it’s hard to find a good day anymore but today was absolutely painful, especially over on r/BitChute. Now BitChute, as a platform, has a lot of problems. That much is obvious and indisputable. However, it’s sad to watch people getting mad when people point out just how many problems there are because they’re totally blind to it all.
So let’s go look at some stupid. Continue reading It’s a Stupid Day in the Neighborhood
People Don’t Understand Schrodinger
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this and I’ve had lots of people, people that I would think are genuinely smart, get it completely wrong.
If you put a real cat in a real box and set an atomic trigger that might or might not kill it, that doesn’t make the cat both alive and dead at the same time. Stop it. You’re just making yourself look dumb. Continue reading People Don’t Understand Schrodinger
This is Why the Religious are Dumb
So, here we go again. A theist showed up on r/AskanAtheist and wanted to know why atheists were so incapable of impressing him, as a Protestant Christian, based on Dawkins’ The God Delusion. So we tried to help him out and that’s when absolutely everything went completely wrong. Continue reading This is Why the Religious are Dumb
Well There’s Your Problem!
Last night, we went out to eat and since we were already in the parking lot, we stopped in to Best Buy to look for printers. The one we have sucks and we need something better.
Best Buy is not the place to go looking for printers or anything else. The place is literally empty. I don’t know why they even bother to open the doors. Something is seriously wrong. Continue reading Well There’s Your Problem!
Debating With Straw Men
A couple of days ago, on someone else’s videos entirely, a belligerent theist approached me and challenged me to a debate. He was cocksure and obnoxious, saying he’d never lost a debate against an atheist so I said sure. Go right ahead. Let’s see what you’ve got.
Except what he had was nothing he ought to have been proud of. Let’s take a look. Continue reading Debating With Straw Men
The Emotionally Frail Millennials
I came across this over on Quora as an answer to someone’s question and it’s so misguided that I just knew I had to respond. The question is, why are modern people so emotionally fragile. This doesn’t quite answer the question but we can see where it goes. Continue reading The Emotionally Frail Millennials