We’ve come to part 3, “Taking on systems that privilege the wealthy and powerful to demand a government and economy that works for the people.” Except the left doesn’t care about the people. They are only pushing their agenda and screw everyone else. This is a 5-part section, so I don’t expect it to take very long, but I’m reasonably sure I won’t agree with any of it. Let’s see. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 15
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Someone Else Who Doesn’t Understand Morality
I had another short discussion with someone on Reddit, who was claiming that philosophical concepts that are true can be defensible with science. His example, of course, was morality and he was trying to use Sam Harris’ Moral Landscape as his defense.
Sorry, I disagree entirely with Harris. We got into it. As is no surprise, after a dozen or so exchanges, he just ran away. What else is new? Continue reading Someone Else Who Doesn’t Understand Morality
I Hate Progressives Part 14
Welcome back to the next part of “I Hate Progressives!” The longer this series goes on, the more obvious it becomes to me that the far left has a ton of problems and is really, identical to the far-right. Both sides want control. Both sides want loyalty. Neither has the best interests of the actual people in mind.
Fuck both sides. Let’s get back to it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 14
I Hate Progressives Part 13
Here we go again with another stupid idea from the house of stupid ideas, the political left. This isn’t a surprise and hasn’t been for a long time, except to the people who can’t think, they can only feel. Honestly, the left are every bit as bad as the far right and for the same reasons. They just want to believe!
Screw these people.
Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 13
Insurance Needs to Die!
This is really just stupid. Last month, my oldest daughter turned 27. She doesn’t even live in the state and now, she’s too old to be on our insurance. Neither of my daughters live here, so my wife hopped on the insurance website to remove them both. It says on the website that removing beneficiaries will have no effect whatsoever on your coverage.
That’s when the nightmare started. Continue reading Insurance Needs to Die!
I Hate Progressives Part 12
We’re still doing it. I figure we might be half-way through the overall list, maybe a little less. This is the second point from the second section, of which there are four sections, but the first one was very long, which is why this is taking so long. I haven’t found a single one that I have agreed with yet. So let’s see if this is where the progressives turn the corner.
I wouldn’t be betting on it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 12
Credit Card Companies are Stupid
So today, I called and cancelled my Capital One Platinum card. Why? Because we don’t use it and they are charging me $5 a month for a card that hasn’t had a balance in years.
Screw them. So this is how it went down. Continue reading Credit Card Companies are Stupid
I Hate Progressives Part 11
Now we’re on to the second part, which falls under “Tackling systems of oppression and dismantling structural racismĀ and discrimination”. I’m willing to bet none of this remotely qualifies. This is a 4-part section so it will take just over a week to cover. Let’s get at it. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 11
I Hate Progressives Part 10
Here we go again. The list of reasons that I detest the progressive party line is never-ending, in fact, I can’t think of a single reason that I wholeheartedly agree with. Most of it is just mumbo jumbo nonsense, aimed at making the young and stupid feel good, because reality doesn’t matter to the far-left, any more than it matters to the far-right.
So you need another reason? Here you go. Continue reading I Hate Progressives Part 10
Matt is Still Wrong on Morality
I caught this video over on Atheist Experience today, which is an old one where they’re desperately trying to attract people to the show, when the old ones were vastly superior. Never mention a better movie in your movie.
However, at one point early in the video, Matt talks about the superiority of secular moral systems that makes morality “objective”. He’s just wrong. Continue reading Matt is Still Wrong on Morality