Anti-Mythicists Are Pathetic.

This is not remotely the first time I’ve seen it, but yesterday, it really hit home just how pathetic a lot of atheists are when it comes to Jesus mythicism. Remember, I am not stating that no Jesus ever existed, I simply point out that we have no evidence whatsoever for any real Jesus, such that even if there was a real Jesus, we couldn’t say anything demonstrably real about him.

But come on, this is ridiculous and it happens all the time!

So there was a post on Reddit, something on a different subject entirely. It went so far out of bounds that the mods eventually deleted the entire thread, which is why it will do no good to link to it. Regardless, the subject matter turned to Jesus and whether there was a Jesus. The religious, obviously, demanded that there was and I simply pointed out that there was no evidence for it. If they think there is, by all means, present it. Go right ahead. We’re waiting.

The only one who stuck around after that, since the religious, I think, know that they’ve got nothing, but some atheist popped up and started demanding that Jesus was obviously real. All the “experts” said so!

Great, I responded. Go ahead and present the evidence that shows that Jesus existed, or that we have independent evidence for anything that this Jesus-guy actually did. Go ahead.

He disappeared for a while and I figured that was that, but then, maybe an hour later, he came back, not with any evidence, but with t he same claim presented verbatim.

I repeated my challenge. Where is your evidence? Present it right here and right now. Put up or shut up. Of course, he had nothing. In fact, I figure he spent that hour or so looking and found out that there was no evidence whatsoever. We have stories, written anonymously in a book of mythology, zero demonstrable eyewitness accounts to anything, a gigantic game of telephone, and zero physical remains for anything at all. I’m not saying there couldn’t have been a real guy, but we certainly have no corroboration that there was!

By now, this guy is looking really silly so he changes his tune. “I don’t even care if there was a Jesus and I don’t have to prove anything to anyone!” Well if you don’t care, why are you posting positive statements on Reddit that a real Jesus existed? So I pointed that out to him, and within minutes, he had deleted his entire account and run for the hills.

I expect that from theists, but not from atheists. These are people who just believe what they’re told without having the backbone to look into it for themselves. This is why, the second that someone says “scholarly consensus says…” Okay, fine. Where is THEIR evidence? Consensus means nothing without evidence to back it up. Where have they published their findings, such that I can go check it out for myself and verify their conclusions?

Oh wait, that doesn’t exist either, does it? I have never found anyone who has any actual evidence. It’s all claims or “for the sake of argument” or “it’s a mundane claim”. That doesn’t make it true! Even the atheists are running away on this one! What the hell is wrong with these people? I’d really like to know.

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