I’m Doomed!

I know it was a complete waste of time, but I went looking for “most rational modern Christian apologist” on Google and I’m really depressed at what I found. I had to add in “modern” because without it, all you get are old dead dudes from the Middle Ages or before, and it’s really sad that those are considered the best Christian apologists of all time.

I find them all laughable. But let’s look at who Christians think are actually good modern apologists. It’s not a pretty picture.

This came from a couple of Reddit threads, although I’ve seen the same names on many websites and in some books, so I think this is pretty common. In fact, I’ve trashed every single one of these completely, so if this is the best that Christianity has to offer, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ll just provide a list and you’ll know every single one, as sad as that is.

John Lennox – Lennox is a moron. I honestly don’t understand what anyone sees in him, but that’s true of all of them. He’s a faith-based idiot that assumes that everything he believes is true, thus everything he believes is true because everything he believes is true. The second you bring faith into the picture, especially if that’s all you’ve got, you lose my interest entirely and that’s Lennox’s whole shtick. You’ll hear that a lot.

William Lane Craig – Low-Bar Bill is a joke. He’s entirely discredited himself and that’s not exactly a surprise. The whole reason I’m trying to find rational apologists is because I want to get away from faith. Faith means nothing. Faith is delusion without corroboratory support. Craig has none of that and he knows it. That’s why he’s just pushing meaningless philosophical arguments and “it seems to me” nonsense. How this guy can get any respect at all, I simply don’t know.

Michael Jones (Inspiring Philosophy) – This one surprised me because he was mentioned a lot. I’ve done a couple of his videos but none have ever impressed me. Yes, he’s usually decently prepared, but preparation means nothing when you have nothing rational to bring to the table. Dan McClellan just did a video debate with IP and trashed him badly. Jones is just like everyone else, faith-based and deluded. Hard pass.

Frank Turek – Frank is a fucktard and even the believers said so. He’s a lowest-common-denominator apologist that appeals to dumb people, but since most people are dumb, there’s a place for him at the table, at least according to them. Frank is a complete imbecile. He’s got his script and his shtick and nothing intelligent to say regardless. The only reason I still do any of his videos is because he’s an endless source of facepalm.

Trent Horn – I have pretty much zero respect for CatholicsĀ  because they care more about church tradition than they do about reality. I did a multi-part Trent Horn video a while back and it was a struggle to get through because he was just running around professing faith and “of course my church is right!” How is that rational?

Randall Rauser – I might agree here, to a very slight degree. I kind of like Rauser. He’s got nothing intelligent to say, of course, none of them do, but I see his videos go by once in a while and he’s at least trying not to be a fundamentalist shithead. That’s something at least. I just don’t think he deserves to be on this list because I don’t think anyone deserves to be on this list, but at least he seems to be a nice enough guy, at least in his videos.

C.S. Lewis – I have zero respect for Lewis and lots of people said so. He basically expects anyone who reads his books to already accept all the things he says on faith. Of course, that’s the problem with all of them, right? They lack the capacity to go back to square one and try to justify anything they believe with actual evidence. Nope, it’s just got to be true because fee-fees! That is just blatantly stupid.

Cliffe Knechtle – This is another one that surprised me, but a couple of people listed him so I’m just going to shake my head. I think Cliffe is a lunatic. He makes a public pest of himself and controls the microphone so nobody can make him look bad. He does enough of that on his own. He speaks authoritatively about his own opinions, but he can’t back anything up on his own. How is this supposed to be impressive?

Gary Habermas – Gary Habermas is a pompous windbag, nothing more. His entire argument is “it says so in my book so it has to be true” and nothing more. How is that rational? Yet isn’t this how all apologists operate? All faith, no facts, no interest in reality, just delusion and wishful thinking to the end? So how is this a rational theist? I think Gary is an idiot.

Tim Keller – I haven’t addressed Tim Keller more than once or twice, so maybe he’s worth another look, but I looked at his channel on YouTube, or at least, a channel of all Tim Keller videos, and all of it is the same old tired nonsense that we hate from everyone else. “Of course I’m right!” Says who? “I do!” It really is that stupid.

There were others, but mostly it was a single mention so not really worth talking about here. However, I am continually shocked that anyone takes any of these idiots seriously! Granted, the people who do it aren’t actually interested in the truth. They are after emotional comfort and these morons deliver that in spades by just lying to people and making excuses. That should not impress anyone!

I know that I’ve effectively given up on the search, at least actively, because this is the best that religion has to offer. How pathetic is that? They can’t all be this terrible, can they? Anyone? Any theologian? Any apologist? Anyone with a pulse? Are they all this horrible?

Sadly, signs point to yes.

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