It’s Easy to Piss Both Sides Off

This was going to be another “they’re doing it too!” post, but honestly, what’s the point of that? Both sides just suck.

This started off as a discussion on a Thomas Sowell video, where he was asking why the words of the left are so attractive to so many people.

I had to explain it. Nobody liked my explanation.

The explanation is short and sweet. The rhetoric of the left is aimed at dumb people who just want to believe. Their platform is aimed at the emotional, not the intellectual. They want people to feel good and thus cast their votes for the left.

But the right does exactly the same thing, right? Increasingly, it’s all about appealing to God and emotion and feel-good rhetoric that means nothing at all in reality. Both sides are using the words that they know will resonate with their supporters and will make no sense whatsoever to anyone on the outside. It’s all tribalism in the extreme anymore.

That’s not a good thing.

Of course, both sides like what they like and neither side is at all realistic. The left wants everyone to be a victim so the government can come along and save them. It’s all about the left-wing messiah complex, but isn’t that exactly what the right is doing? I have no idea if Trump believes any of this crap, but he sure knows how to pander to his power base, doesn’t he?

Ultimately, both sides have become a religion. They preach to their respective choirs, they hate anyone outside of their service and they praise their particular gods, either Trump on the right or Biden on the left and both of them suck.

I honestly can’t be the only one who doesn’t want to vote this year, can I? I cannot, in good conscience, support either side. Someone stop the planet, I want to get off.

At least Biden has dropped out and nobody likes Harris to begin with. She got effectively no support when she was running for President and she’s done nothing whatsoever to distinguish herself in her time as VP. She’s a complete waste of skin. Biden was way behind in the polls when he was in the race and Harris isn’t going to catch up. This is going to be a landslide for Trump, but I’m still not voting for him, or anyone, because I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. If I can’t respect myself for the actions I take then I’m not taking them. If I can’t support a candidate, then they’re not getting my vote. It honestly doesn’t matter who wins anymore because we’re screwed either way.

Both sides suck and we’re not getting any better choices any time soon. Sad, isn’t it?

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