It’s an old joke to be sure. “Am I fat?” You’re not supposed to be honest and say yes, yet if that’s the truthful answer, why wouldn’t you? You’re not saying it maliciously, you’re trying to save someone you care about from an uncomfortable fact when they still have time to do something about it.
At least that’s how I’ve always looked at it. Yet today, the world has gone entirely off of the rails and there are plenty of people who are only looking for validation from strangers and they don’t want the honest truth.
Well, too bad.
That’s something I just don’t get about the modern world, the propensity to ask anyone and everyone what they think of things that you did, in hopes that people will ride you around on their shoulders and tell you how special you are.
You’re not. Get over it.
Why is everyone so interested in what complete strangers online think? You can’t take two steps without tripping over some half-assed arts and crafts project that people want you to gush over and if you dare to be honest and offer some hints and tips for the future, they get mad at you.

I’ll be really honest, if you don’t want my honest opinion, don’t ask for it. I’m not saying what I say to be malicious, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, I’m just telling the truth. If you ask me if I like your new tattoo, I’m going to tell you that I think tattoos are stupid and childish and if you have nothing better to do with your time and money than draw permanent pictures all over yourself, I think you’ve got some issues. Don’t want to hear that? Don’t ask. Don’t ask how I like your piercings either. I’m fine with them in your ears. If you’re just taking a hole punch and going wild, screw off.
I mean honestly, how do you get a decent job that way anyhow? My boss has a hard and fast rule. Zero visible tattoos while on the job. If that means you’re wearing long-sleeve shirts in the middle of summer and sweating your ass off, that’s your problem. We cater to a specific customer base and drawing pictures on your face doesn’t make a good impression. Don’t like it? Go elsewhere.
Of course, in the modern world, that would get people whining and complaining that’s unfair. Too bad my company doesn’t care. The door is over there. Feel free to find a job elsewhere. Get over yourself.
I am really sick and tired of people just wanting their feelings coddled. That seems to be a massive problem these days and I’m not going to take part. I probably won’t hunt you down and offer my opinion unsolicited, but if you seek me out, either specifically or in a group and ask, you get what you get. Don’t like it? Don’t ask. It’s that simple.