The Absurdity of Race

I’ve been watching a bunch of Thomas Sowell videos of late and he’s always been someone I’ve enjoyed. He’s a black author and speaker who is staunchly conservative and thinks that most things the political left are doing is simply wrong.

And he’s completely right about that. But I don’t just accept what he says as gospel truth, I think there are some things he’s wrong about too. So let’s talk about it.

Seriously, go look at the last couple of months of content he’s been making on his YouTube channel. He’s been taking on racism and black culture and the absurdity of the left and he’s right in just about all of it.

Almost, but we’ll get to that in a minute. Just watch a couple of his videos and you’ll see that he’s accurate in his assessment of the political left since the 1960s. They are the biggest racists on the planet. You just have to listen to them. They pretend to be the white saviors of the poor, uneducated black people, but when you actually poll black people, fairly and not as the mainstream media does because they have an agenda, you see that most blacks don’t actually want what their supposed white saviors are pushing. It’s why the left caters to the ignorant, because they just don’t know any better.

However, I really think that there needs to be more done, but I think the very idea terrifies a lot of people, black and white alike. They are still concerned with the idea of community and belonging and that really is stupid, at least in my opinion. It’s time to go beyond skin color and stop bothering with race at all.

Granted, race will always exist as a visual characteristic. You are darker than I am. Big deal. We don’t point out when someone is taller or shorter than we are, we don’t point out someone’s hair color or other immutable physical characteristics, so why do we continue to hang onto race as a useful characteristic?

It’s time to stop giving a damn. I just don’t care. There should be no automatic magical club that all people of a certain hue belong to. That’s dumb. You’re black? So what? I’m white? So what? I don’t view you as an extension of your innate physical appearance, I view you as a human, just like I am. And maybe someday that view will need to be abandoned as well, I don’t know, but for the moment, it is something we all share and that’s all that ought to matter.

Yet Sowell still seems to hold to the idea of innate black community. That the color of your skin ought to mean something, when objectively, why? It’s why I follow what Martin Luther King Jr. said in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Yet even people like Sowell aren’t willing to throw off that irrelevant characteristic, even almost 60 years later. That seems absurd to me. I don’t look at Thomas Sowell and think “there’s a wise black man”. I only see a man. Ultimately, it’s not even a man but a human. Obviously the rest is still there but it doesn’t matter. Wise words can beĀ  spoken by anyone, regardless of their skin color, gender, sexual orientation or anything else. Smarts are in your head, not pasted onto your body. Why do so many people have so many problems with that?

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