Reality Doesn’t Work That Way!

It’s well-known that I have some pretty serious issues with BitChute, mostly technical in nature. The site just doesn’t work and it doesn’t show any sign of getting better any time soon. However, there are a lot of people out there who dislike BitChute for other reasons. They hate it because it actually has to follow the law and they don’t like that. These people are idiots. Continue reading Reality Doesn’t Work That Way!

Is Slavery Actually Immoral?

I hear this a lot from the non-religious, as though it’s a demonstrated fact and it’s not actually true. Recently, I was listening to a lot of Atheist Experience clips and the subject of slavery comes up a lot. That’s fine, of course, but it also shows a very clear bias and irrational bent from Matt Dillahunty that I think it’s important to look at the problems with these claims. So off we go. Continue reading Is Slavery Actually Immoral?

Faulty Reasoning

I just had someone over on my YouTube channel criticize me because I’m insulting people who believe in gods. They are a believer and even though they agree with me on so-called “church people”, I should stop telling people to stop using their emotions.

Except that’s not what I’m doing and someone really misunderstands pretty much everything I’m saying. So here I will explain. Continue reading Faulty Reasoning

Why Paul is Important

I recently did a video response on Mike Licona where he tries to argue that Paul actually matters in the Bible. I agree with him, Paul does matter, just as every other writer in the Bible, but not for the same reasons he thinks. You need to establish a real, historical Paul so that you can objectively and independently verify that the events recorded in the Bible actually happened.

And unfortunately for the religious, you simply can’t do any of that. Continue reading Why Paul is Important

The Absurdity of Race

I’ve been watching a bunch of Thomas Sowell videos of late and he’s always been someone I’ve enjoyed. He’s a black author and speaker who is staunchly conservative and thinks that most things the political left are doing is simply wrong.

And he’s completely right about that. But I don’t just accept what he says as gospel truth, I think there are some things he’s wrong about too. So let’s talk about it. Continue reading The Absurdity of Race

Every Character is NOT a Representative of Their Race!

I know that a lot of things are coming up social issues of late, but these are things that I never really get to talk about on my YouTube channel, so I’m going to put them here instead.

As a lot of people also know, I am an author and there’s a mess of identity politics currently polluting the writing game. People are concerned whether they’re allowed to write people who aren’t absolutely identical to who they are in real life and that’s just stupid, yet there’s no talking rationally to these regressive snowflakes because they’re not concerned about reality.

And here’s everything wrong with that. Continue reading Every Character is NOT a Representative of Their Race!

Critical Race Theory is Dumb

I found myself in a discussion recently about critical race theory. Yes, I know, it was a waste of time, but that’s what passes for pseudo-intelligent discourse online these days. So here’s what I think about CRT and racism in general and why I think the whole underpinnings are just absurdly nonsensical. Feel free to disagree in the comments and let’s have a discussion. Continue reading Critical Race Theory is Dumb