This will be a short one, being Thanksgiving and all, but it never ceases to amaze me just how dumb people are out in the real world. Quick example, coming up below the fold, but I don’t know how these people actually survive day-to-day thinking like this.
Fuck the world. I want to get off.
So a week or so ago, someone came into a stamp collecting subreddit and posted something along the lines of “I inherited these stamps from my father, they have sentimental value, I’m not looking to sell them, but I want to know what they’re worth.”
Great. I looked at them, they were all very common stamps that have zero financial value so I responded “I’m glad they have sentimental value because they have no financial value. Enjoy your father’s stamps.” Very simple, straight to the point. Those are the facts. Have a nice day and enjoy your stamps.
No, the moderators of the group decided to ban me for 3 days because I was being nice and telling the truth. I tried to seek clarification, they refused to answer. Whatever.
Then, this morning, I get on and Reddit has officially issued a “warning” to my account for, get this, HARASSMENT! How in the hell can that conceivably be considered harassment?
Let me get this straight, are we supposed to lie to people now? “Oh, they’re worth a billion dollars because you want them to be!” I told the actual truth and got slapped for it. Fuck the world.
This is the kind of thing that makes me hate modern humanity. Is it important? No, not in the grand scheme of things, but this is just another example of how dumb humanity has become.
Stop the planet, I want to get off. I am really tired of the stupidity.