I like Thomas Sowell in general, but even he has some problems, some blind spots that I think are endemic to social and political thinking and need to be pointed out.
Therefore, here I go, as I did in the comments on one of his videos, pointing out that it’s not just the left that have issues. The right is every bit as bad. Continue reading Where I Disagree with Thomas Sowell →
I’ve been watching a bunch of Thomas Sowell videos of late and he’s always been someone I’ve enjoyed. He’s a black author and speaker who is staunchly conservative and thinks that most things the political left are doing is simply wrong.
And he’s completely right about that. But I don’t just accept what he says as gospel truth, I think there are some things he’s wrong about too. So let’s talk about it. Continue reading The Absurdity of Race →
Exposing Stupidity Wherever it Hides