Tag Archives: progressivism

Here We Go Again!

I know I’veĀ  done this a million times, but it keeps coming up so I’ll keep pointing it out. The political left is doing EXACTLY what the religious are doing, yet they are completely blind to their own failures.

This time, we get a video from Atheist Experience, which I’ll link to below the fold. The caller claims that atheists are cherry picking, while doing nothingĀ  but cherry picking themselves, then the hosts start cherry picking too. It’s all absurd! Continue reading Here We Go Again!

Every Character is NOT a Representative of Their Race!

I know that a lot of things are coming up social issues of late, but these are things that I never really get to talk about on my YouTube channel, so I’m going to put them here instead.

As a lot of people also know, I am an author and there’s a mess of identity politics currently polluting the writing game. People are concerned whether they’re allowed to write people who aren’t absolutely identical to who they are in real life and that’s just stupid, yet there’s no talking rationally to these regressive snowflakes because they’re not concerned about reality.

And here’s everything wrong with that. Continue reading Every Character is NOT a Representative of Their Race!