Tag Archives: fiscal responsibility

Irrational Waste Bugs Me

I just dropped two cats off at my vet to get fixed. They’re a good vet and one of the few in my area that actually fixes animals. Most have just stopped, which is making the unwanted animal problem much worse, but they still do some things that bug me. It’s minor stuff, granted, but today, it really started to eat at me.

So let’s talk about it. Continue reading Irrational Waste Bugs Me

Poor Expectations of Reality

I know this has been somewhat of a theme lately, but it keeps coming up almost everywhere I go. This one is hardly even related, but it got me thinking and… here we are again!

Why is it that so many people to day have terrible expectations of reality? What was wrong with their home life that got them to where they are today?

Let’s talk about it. Continue reading Poor Expectations of Reality