Category Archives: Atheism

Let’s Look at Philosophical Atheism

This was recommended by Randolf Richardson over on YouTube during the recent moral realism pooch screw and I thought it would be a fine topic to take on here. Therefore, we’re going to return to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy to check out their entry on atheism and agnosticism.

I’d say this ought to be fun but it won’t be. Continue reading Let’s Look at Philosophical Atheism

Logic isn’t an Assumption

So I was watching some videos today and I found one where they claimed that the logical absolutes were absolute as a bald assertion.

I entirely disagree. The logical absolutes exist because we’ve never had a single observation where they didn’t hold true. In fact, we can’t even imagine a situation where A isn’t A. We don’t even know what that might look like.

Therefore, the laws of logic, like everything else in rational human thought, they aren’t absolute but they certainly hold up based on every single observation that we’ve ever made. And there are a lot of people who just don’t like that. Continue reading Logic isn’t an Assumption

Can We Please Stop Shilling?

This is going to be a short one because there isn’t really a lot that needs to be said, but please, can we stop shilling for Bart Ehrman’s various and sundry “classes”? Please?

Because truth be told, he’s starting to look a whole lot like the religious apologist scammers that run around in the incestuous social media sphere, trying to sell books, lectures and all manner of nonsense to gullible sycophants.

Enough is enough! Continue reading Can We Please Stop Shilling?

Anecdotal Evidence Isn’t Sufficient

And whoever made this can’t spell.

So, as is no surprise, Matt Dillahunty is wrong once again. He claimed, on a recent video from The Line, that anecdotal evidence is, in fact, evidence. It’s not. It’s a claim. In and of itself, it doesn’t actually demonstrate anything.

I’ll explain why that’s the case below. Continue reading Anecdotal Evidence Isn’t Sufficient

Lots of Atheists are Clueless Too!

I don’t know why we have to keep having these conversations but apparently we do. A post popped up over on Reddit in which the OP wanted to know the views of atheist moral realists and I pointed out that they’d have a really hard time coming up with any of those because the overwhelming majority were moral anti-realists.

That’s when all of the doo-doo hit the fan. Continue reading Lots of Atheists are Clueless Too!

That’s Not Going to Convince Anyone!

A while back now, I did a video over on YouTube where I took a look at the Cosmic Skeptic, Alex O’Connor and pointed out that, at least when it came to specific charity claims that he was making, he was going entirely off the rational reservation.

Since then, I’ve looked at a couple of his videos here and there and then, I saw this video from the Non-Alchemist addressing it and I thought I needed to respond. Instead of heading to YouTube though, I really wanted to take an in-depth look, so here we go. Links to videos concerned will be below the fold. Continue reading That’s Not Going to Convince Anyone!