Category Archives: Atheism

Stupid Comments

This comes right from my YouTube channel and I am actually shocked at the low-level of stupid comments that I get from people over there consistently. Some of it I can understand, given the beliefs that these people hold, but it ought to shock people who hold those beliefs just how poorly their brethren actually perform.

I wanted to take a second to point out some of the more recent examples and why, they’re just not getting the job done. Continue reading Stupid Comments

I Actually Had This Conversation

Last night, I had this conversation with a theist. It didn’t start off as a theistic discussion, it was about death with dignity and I had no clue it was with a theist when I started, but it all ties together nicely and shows just how clueless the religious actually are.

They’ve got some fundamental problems upstairs. Let’s go take a look. Continue reading I Actually Had This Conversation

This is why Religious Debates Fail

So I ran across this article over on where they’re trying to provide a strategy for debating against atheists. I could go through the entire thing, it is ridiculous, but the best part was a single flow chart that shows everything that they’re doing wrong and trying to push all of the faults on the skeptics.

That’s not exactly a surprise, is it? Continue reading This is why Religious Debates Fail

Disagreeing With Matt Dillahunty… Again!

I’m sure this isn’t said often…

So, Matt put out a video, I’ll include it below the fold, where he talks about what atheists are supposedly fighting for. In theory, that’s not a bad topic and he does say some decent things about it that I’m perfectly fine with.

Then, he gets into things that are a bit problematic, as much as I personally detest that word. So let’s talk about it. Continue reading Disagreeing With Matt Dillahunty… Again!

Why Am I Mean? Here’s Why!

So there was a call on Talk Heathen recently, where some lunatic theist spent a half-hour trying to justify their beliefs and, at the same time, hide from all of the credible questions that the hosts were trying to ask. I said something in the comments about this guy being an imbecile, mostly because he is.

So here’s why I think we need to stop pussyfooting around and treating these people like special snowflakes. It’s time to call a spade a spade because it’s the only way these morons are going to learn anything. Continue reading Why Am I Mean? Here’s Why!

It’s Hard to be Impressed

I was thinking about this over the last couple of days, but maybe you can relate to this. Have you ever watched two theists debate? It doesn’t matter what kind of theist they are, they can share the same faith or they can be completely different, but it’s really not very impressive if you approach it from the outside.

Why is that? Here’s my explanation and why I think playing those games is ultimately pointless. Continue reading It’s Hard to be Impressed

Let’s Look at Philosophical Atheism Part 4

Three parts down, on to the fourth. This time, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on atheism and agnosticism tries to make an argument for agnosticism. Is it going to be any more impressive than the last couple? I wouldn’t be holding my breath. So far, this has all been “we like this definition” and it’s never been about what the words actually mean, because they aren’t actually handling language the way it at it realistically functions.

However, we’ll see where this goes and evaluate it as it comes. See you on the other side. Continue reading Let’s Look at Philosophical Atheism Part 4