It Never Stops, Does It?

This is going to be short and sweet, but someone just posted over on Reddit, something about “these fruitcakes are scared about the election”, with some image of a post somewhere of some religious lunatics were screaming and posting Bible verses and all that. Yes, we know those people exist.

What I have to point out are the idiots on the left who are claiming that they’re going to have a civil war if Trump gets re-elected. You think those morons aren’t scared? What about all the idiots who say “I’m leaving the country!” Of course, they never do. We’d be better off if they would but they stick around because they know nowhere else is better. It’s just fear-mongering. Anyone who said they were going to leave the country in 2016 should have been thrown out already. At least Hollywood would be a lot better. And, of course, the ever-hysterical image of the screaming children that happened in 2016, are we supposed to think they’re not scared? Honestly, just watch these people sometime! Pay attention to what they say! The whole idea that they aren’t terrified that someone that doesn’t share their absurd values getting in is laughable.

I don’t know why these idiots can’t look in the mirror. They’re always guilty of doing the same thing. I can see it clearly, why can’t they?

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