They Just Can’t Stop!

I’ve noticed something today and it’s really nothing new, but I saw multiple examples of it in a very short span of time. The left really can’t shut the hell up about Trump can they? Even when what they’re talking about has nothing at all to do with politics, they have to invoke Trump constantly because these people have serious derangement syndrome.

Seriously, what is wrong with these people?


I’ve watched, or tried to watch, a couple of videos from both The Line (and Line Edge) and Atheist Experience and in several cases, I’ve turned off the video in the middle because the host couldn’t stop talking about Trump, even though Trump had no place in the conversation at all. It’s like they don’t know what to do with themselves if they’re not bashing Trump.

Fuck these idiots. Seriously, what is wrong with them?

I didn’t like Biden for the last 4 years, but I really spent virtually no time talking about him or even thinking about him. If he came up specifically in conversation, then maybe, but I don’t just go on and on and on about how terrible of a President he was.

So what’s the problem with the left? They are not adults. Don’t you have a life outside of your Trump derangement syndrome? Of course, the answer is no. Their entire lives are consumed by seething about the elected President because they don’t like him. Well news flash, I’m not wild about him either, but I virtually never think about him at all!

These people really have mental problems, I am firmly convinced of it. Like with the religious, they are just immature children living in adult bodies, unable to cope with reality as it actually is.

This is why I have walked away from a ton of YouTube channels because they lack the capacity to stay on topic. I am not watching your channel to hear you whine. I’ll go elsewhere. I’ll read a book. I’ve got better things to do with my life. The amount of time I have spent on YouTube at all of late has gone down to virtually none. I used to sit at work and have a video running in the background while I was working. Now, that rarely happens. The second a video starts to get needlessly political, I turn it off. If it happens regularly, I unsubscribe from the channel. Some have gotten so bad that I’ve actively blocked the channel so it doesn’t show up in my recommended feed. If you can’t shut the hell up about politics, I’ll shut you up on my end. I have no interest whatsoever in listening to it.

People really need to stop being stupid. I’m tired of watching it. They are not doing themselves any favors by being so deranged. At least I’ve got more time to do better things. I’m not going back after the next election either. They have lost my eyes forever.

Fuck these people.

One thought on “They Just Can’t Stop!”

  1. re: political discussions, especially those involving Trump, coming up in contexts where they are not relevant.

    Unfortunately, politics can often be a big part of someone’s identity (-just like religion). Discussing political figures reinforces all that group identity, solidarity, especially in polarized environments. Political/ religious figures evoke strong emotions. So, for many, -as you know- Trump represents significant changes and challenges to their values and beliefs, leading to all those heightened emotional responses.

    People tend to focus on information that confirms their existing beliefs (confirmation bias). If someone has strong feelings politically, they see connections to it even in unrelated topics. Also, media/podcast coverage often emphasizes controversial figures because they attract attention and engagement. This leads to more frequent mentions in various contexts.

    Anyway, -Exasperating.✅

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