How Stupid Is This State?

I’m not surprised, but after all the crap that I’ve had to go through to get this stupid truck registered this year, all of the garbage standing in my way that is 100% the fault of the State of California, this crap happens again.

It’s just a laughable demonstration of the sad state of the liberal governance of this crappy place. Real quick, here we go a gain.

Now granted, this doesn’t mean anything, it’s a paperwork error because that’s all this state is. A load of errors, compounded by human political incompetence.

So my truck, just to quickly recap, was due to be registered in May. We paid it, we went to get it smogged, it “failed”, not because there was a problem, but it had the “wrong” catalytic converter on it and therefore, I couldn’t get my tags. So it sat in the driveway while I ran around, getting multiple appointments with the Smog Referees, sending them paperwork and pictures and they determined that not only was the truck fine, I just had to take it down to a physical station, which happened to be at the local college, and they’d give me my exemption and my certificate after it had yet another smog check.

The problem was that the fucking state hasn’t updated its own website with acceptable converters in *8* years! It was always good! Nobody knows that though!

It passed with flying colors, I got my exemption, I paid for my certificate and I was supposed to get my tags. That took almost 3 weeks. It finally arrived yesterday and today, I went out and put it on the truck. It’s now completely legal, paid for, smogged and tagged. It only took 3 months.

Then I went to the mailbox and there was another letter from the stupid state saying “register your truck!” and “don’t forget to get it smogged!”

Yeah, screw you! Done and done. You people are idiots. Is it any surprise everyone thinks Sacramento is a mental wasteland?

Not me. I’m not surprised at all. That’s sad, right?

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