Just a couple left in our evaluation of the Progressive Platform and they haven’t gotten one right yet. It’s all just pandering to the willfully ignorant and emotionally overwrought and that’s pretty much a hallmark of the political extremes on both sides. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a platform for the extreme right and do the same thing all over again because I’m sure they’re just as bad on some things.
So, let’s get back to it.
I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.
Opposing counterproductive and false narratives on government deficits that have led to decades-long disinvestment in low-income communities, communities of color, families, and working people.
Oh good, a conspiracy theory. “Don’t listen to false narratives, everything is great while the economy is falling down around your ears!”
This is why you have to look at the actual data. Yes, we know that after Covid, things crashed. That’s not something that I can blame on Biden in particular, but it hasn’t rebounded. In fact, it’s pretty flat and projections into the future show it being very flat, whereas the EU and UK are projected to grow like gangbusters.
So why is that? Because Biden’s focus isn’t on growing the economy. The focus of the left never is. It’s on social justice and buying votes, not in making the country better for productive citizens, because they don’t care about productive citizens.
That’s why they are focused on low-income communities. Why are they low-income? Well, it’s really simple. This is something you’ll never get anyone on the left to agree with. Of course, I’ll have to generalize here because every low-income individual isn’t identical, but overall, the people who wind up in the lower class tend to be people who are uneducated, who have made poor life decisions and who cannot hold down a job long-term. Today, that sometimes includes people without a college education, but often, it’s people who didn’t even get out of high school. They include people who are on drugs, people who have children out of wedlock without being financially capable of caring for them. In short, they are people who typically don’t care to work hard or live a responsible life.
Like it or not, people need to EARN success, they don’t deserve to just have it handed to them. Yet the left has been telling minorities that they don’t have to work hard, they deserve to just be paid for being non-white.
So let’s look at some of these statistics. One thing that has changed, over time, is that the rate of high school dropouts has declined very significantly across the board. From 2000 to 2016, rates overall dropped from 10.9% down to 6.1%. There is more recent data, but I’m going by overall trends. Hispanics are far more likely to drop out of high school than Asian or white students, with blacks somewhere in between. To be fair, today, there is little difference between the rates of black and white dropouts, which is a very good thing.
For college, it’s reversed, with far more Asian and white students going to college than black or Hispanic students. This is not racism, this is choice.
Out of wedlock births, however, tell a very different story. For blacks, 78% of all births are out of wedlock, compared to 58% for Hispanics, all the way down to 30% for Asians and whites. There is a problem there.
We can also look at incarceration rates, where 1 in 15 black men have been in, or are currently in prison, compared to 1 in 106 white men. If you add in age, it’s even worse, with 1 in 9 black men between 20-34 being in prison at some point in their lives. That’s more than 10%!
This is not a conspiracy, this is a life choice. People aren’t just putting black people in prison because they’re black, as the left would want you to believe, they are going because they are committing crimes.
Thomas Sowell has done a number of videos on this and why it isn’t some vast racist maneuver to keep the black man down. In fact, he found that it isn’t just blacks that such a culture keeps down, it’s whites in places in the south where they’re all practicing it. They are doing it to themselves and the left has been pointing fingers at everyone else because they can’t admit just how bad it is!

We can stop blaming racism for this because it isn’t racism. It’s people doing dumb things and getting what they’ve earned. We don’t need to let more criminals out of prison because we can’t blame them for their crimes, we need to start holding the black community (and others as well) responsible for their actions and their beliefs.
That’s something that will never happen on the left though, will it?