We’re still doing it. I figure we might be half-way through the overall list, maybe a little less. This is the second point from the second section, of which there are four sections, but the first one was very long, which is why this is taking so long. I haven’t found a single one that I have agreed with yet. So let’s see if this is where the progressives turn the corner.
I wouldn’t be betting on it.
I’m taking this from The Progressive Promise, which is a platform statement from the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, like all platform statements, what it says doesn’t stand up in actual reality. Yes, I know that this is not what all progressives believe and that it is being stated in the most attractive way possible to attract people to vote for them, but still, this is why I cannot stand any of these positions.
Supporting a truth commission and reparations to address and repair the continued effects of slavery and discrimination.
How does that work, since absolutely no one alive today was ever a slave? None of their parents or grandparents were slaves? None of the people alive today who are paying this farcical “reparations” were slave owners. So far as I know, none of my relatives ever owned a slave.
Yeah, go eat a bag of dicks.
This is a constant attempt by the far left to buy the votes of poor blacks who know an opportunity to make a buck when they see it. There is no reason to give money to ANYONE, especially over something that never actually happened to them.
And no, the shadow of slavery is long since dead. It’s only being kept alive, as a claim, by the far left because they know they can keep riding the stupidity into office. If you want to be successful, go get a job. Be responsible. Stop living on the public dole. Stop doing dumb things. Thomas Sowell is absolutely right. They’ve been doing it to themselves forever.

It’s not at all difficult to see black people being outright racist toward whites, although the left has arbitrarily redefined racism so that black people cannot be racist no matter what they do. You can find plenty of examples of black people saying things that get absolutely excused by the left, but if a white person said the exact same thing, substituting a word or two here or there, they’d get destroyed.
The extreme left is racist through and through. They just think it’s okay if their side does it.
Yeah, screw you all. It’s time you idiots grew the hell up.
Serfdom existed for centuries in Europe, with serfs being bound to the land and totally subject to their lords’ whims. And just about ALL of our family lineage were in serfdom somewhere in Europe where we were tenant farmers, mistreated, bound to a plot of land and subject to the will of our lord. The majority of serfs in Europe lived at a subsistence level, cultivating land owned by said filthy lord. Everyone is owed -BIG TIME. Applying this to serfs, their descendants too deserve reparations due to the sufferings endured by our ancestors. So where does that leave us? Where would it ever end? Everyone is a damn victim!
Use the law to keep the playing field as level as possible and hold people to RADICAL personal responsibility. Equal pay ($0) for equal loafing. No transfer payments to win public offices.