When Did Everyone Become So Stupid?

Honestly, when did everyone decide that they couldn’t make a move without the consensus of social media? Just ran into some idiot who said he bought a tool at Walmart, he got it home and it didn’t work. It was faulty. What does he do?

Seriously, take it back! Why is this even a question? What the hell is wrong with you morons?

When did people become so damn stupid and incompetent and unable to make any decisions on their own? I see at least a handful of examples every single day. There was the moron above, who was standing there with a broken tool and couldn’t figure out that if you got something busted, you go and get your money back! Not long after, someone posted that they were thinking about buying something, it wasn’t a big purchase by any means, just a couple of bucks, but he couldn’t actually pull the trigger if the Internet didn’t tell him what to do.

How hard is this? What the hell is wrong with these people? If you want to buy a thing, buy a thing! He wasn’t asking if it was a good thing to buy. He wasn’t asking if it was a quality thing, or what other people’s experiences were with the thing. He just couldn’t make a move without other people telling him it was okay!

This is a massive mental problem with a lot of young people these days. They have no self-confidence of any kind and they can only do things when other people, often other young people with no more capacity to make their own decisions, tell them it’s okay.

These people need some serious mental help.

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