I’ve noticed this a lot lately, and I’m sure it’s been going on for a while, but people will get online, say “I just bought this thing for this amount of money, how did I do?”
Isn’t that a question you should have asked before you spent the money? I mean, are you really that dumb?
Sadly, the answer is almost always yes.
Yes, I know that they are hoping to show off, where everyone will ride them around on their shoulders and tell them they got a great deal. Usually, that’s not the case. Mostly, these people are just idiots who got taken and end up slinking away, ashamed, because they got ripped off.
Then they come back and do it again.
What the hell is wrong with people these days? I mean I get why they do it. They are looking for validation, but that’s another problem in and of itself. Who in their right mind turns to random strangers online for validation? What the hell is wrong with you?
I find myself asking that question more and more often these days because people seem to be getting dumber and dumber. I don’t remember being that stupid when I was that age. What the hell changed?
People seem to be getting dumber and dumber. It’s like, they have no real-world socialization so they have to strike out on the Internet, hoping to find someone to tell them that they are a worthwhile human being.
I’m wondering just how many of them actually are though because actual adults, and it is always ostensible adults that are doing this, they should never fall into this.
Granted, we live in a world where childhood never really ends. It used to be that by the time you turned 18, or very shortly thereafter, you ought to be behaving like an adult. You almost certainly had a job, even if it was part time. Of course, that was back in the days when they were teaching home economics in high school and not gender theory. They were preparing people for the real world, instead of the farcical fantasy land that we see out there today. Now, you can be an infant into your 30s because nobody is going to call them on it.
That has got to stop. We have got to start holding people accountable again for being an adult and living in the real world. It’s bad enough that the religious live in an emotionally comforting fantasy land in their heads.
The rest of society should not be allowed to do it too. Enough is enough. People need to grow the hell up.