It’s a Whole New World!

Guess what? Everything is gone. Gone, I tell you. Forever. It’s not coming back either. Everything that has ever appeared on this blog has been deleted and we’re back to square one.

No, it’s not a trick. No, we haven’t been taken over by a globalist syndicate. I deleted it all and I’m glad.

Now I’ll explain why and what lies in the future.So here’s what went down. My hosting company started to complain about the bloated size of my collective sites. I have unlimited size and bandwidth, but everything that gets uploaded, every post that gets written, they all count against some imaginary number of files beyond which, nothing gets automatically backed up. I really got tired of having to do manual backups on my own.

I started to look at  what I had online and honestly, I wasn’t impressed. It was thousands and thousands of posts of complete crap IMO. So I decided that if I’m going to be fixing things around here anyhow, I’d pull it all down, re-evaluate the last 15 or so years of my life and decide where to go from here.

This is the result. I’ve decided to ditch it all and start fresh. The whole point of this blog has always been as a place for me to bitch about the things that bug me. It’s my Bitchspot. It’s where the name came from. Yet in the past, I’ve really boxed myself into having to write, even when I didn’t want to write. I had to do a Horror Show Sunday every single week, even when I didn’t feel like it. I had to get out 3 posts a week, even if I had nothing to say. It really lowered the quality of what I was hoping to do here and that’s all on me. Therefore, I’m not doing it anymore.

I’m going to write what I want to write, when I want to write it. Hopefully, that means the quality will go way up and I won’t be posting crap that I’m not invested in. If I write a post a day, a post a week or a post a month, everything that comes out will be something I’ve invested time and effort in. I hope that improves things.

So, come along for the ride, or don’t, it’s up to you. This is my space to complain about anything that comes to mind. I welcome people commenting on my material and always engage in return if it’s worth it. It’s how I roll and always have. I hope this new format will give me space and time to really get down to the nitty gritty of the subject matter I tackle.

Let me know what you think.

4 thoughts on “It’s a Whole New World!”

  1. Hi
    I was looking earlier for your site, and now after reading this post everything makes sense. Hope it works out well.
    Good luck

    1. Thanks, I hope it will too. Mostly, this site has just been a place for me to get my own thoughts out and will continue as such. If anyone gets something useful from it, all the better.

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