It’s Hard Being a Conservative Atheist!

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and frankly, I’m out of people to vote for. There’s an election coming up in a couple of weeks and, at the moment, I don’t think I can vote for anyone on the ballot in good conscience.

Things have gotten really, really bad lately.

See, as a conservative atheist, there are two groups of people who, in general, can’t get my vote. First, most of the left. There might be some moderate liberals that I might look at, but for the most part, anyone pushing identity politics and government-coddling, they’re not getting my vote, period.

The other group are the ardently religious and the Republicans have gone full-retard in that regard. I was looking at the website for Republican Atheists earlier and they’re supporting Trump, which I simply can’t do anymore. I did vote for him in 2020, mostly as a protest against the left, but he was already going full religious wingnut by then and it’s only gotten worse since. There is no chance in hell that I’d vote for him ever again. Even if he’s just using the right wing lunatics, i can’t advocate for that kind of dishonesty. If he really buys into it, he’s too far gone for me to ever consider.

It’s not like I can split the difference and vote Libertarian since I strongly disagree with a lot of the core principles of the Libertarian Party. Anyone who is pushing drug legalization, they’re not getting my vote. That’s not the only issue I have with them but it is a major one.

I wouldn’t say if the Republican candidates were religious but didn’t bring it up but that’s not how it works. That’s the central tenet of their campaigns these days, the promise to push Christianity no matter what and that’s an automatic fail for me. As such, forget it. If it says in your candidate copy “God”, “Jesus”, what church you attend or what religion you believe, you’re not getting my vote. I want someone dedicated to the separation of church and state. I don’t care where you spend your Sunday mornings, so long as the rest of the time, you represent the people and rational interests.

Personally, I want someone who is pro-science and pro-responsibility and nobody fits into that second category especially. They want someone to come and solve all of their problems, be it theĀ  government or some imaginary man in the sky. Stop talking to yourself and get off your ass and get to work!

That means I’m kind of screwed. I guess that isn’t a surprise. Why should 2022 be any different than any other year?

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